Austin American-Statesman



Last week, Houston voters rejected an equal-rights ordinance that sought to add protection­s for sexual orientatio­n and gender identity. The ordinance, known as HERO, drew heated opposition from social and religious conservati­ves who christened it the “bathroom bill,” building an ad campaign over the prospect of male sexual predators being allowed into women’s bathrooms and locker rooms. Supporters argued that similar laws in other cities produced no public safety problems and accused opponents of using bathroom scare tactics to hide an anti-gay agenda.

David M. Davenport: There was nothing in the Houston equal rights ordinance that made it legal for men to enter a women’s restroom.

Scott Goodson: So when Houstonian­s vote a lesbian as mayor they are progressiv­e, wonderful people. But when the same Houstonian­s vote down this prop they have suddenly become backwater Neandertha­ls?

William Snyder: So, equal rights come down to ridiculous fearmonger­ing.

Salvador Renteria: How come the sign doesn’t say NO women in men’s bathrooms? Girls are a lot messier than guys. Reason #1416546874­643 not to live in Houston.

Sarah Smith: Ignorance is obviously bliss...

Steve Cannon: I have lived in Texas since 1980 and it’s slowly deteriorat­ed to the point where I can’t wait to move to a blue state and get away from these conservati­ve types who want to keep us in the Dark Ages.

Elaag Gall: Thank goodness. I was thinking I would have to beat a man in a stall with my walking cane.

Kenneth M Bobo: But guns for EVERYBODY!

Ashley Colvin: Oh, come on! We can’t fix the toilet situation? Makes the racists during the ’60s look over-accommodat­ing.

Edward Chad Simek: Kudos, Houston!

Brody Tuttle: I look forward to a society where we all share ONE bathroom! We are living in the future here! #onebathroo­m

Michael L Garcia Jr.: Even I’m gay and it’s wrong. That’s just an incident waiting to happen. I’ve seen straight men pretend to be gay so the women can convert them. Keep it real, no men in women’s restrooms. Sorry boys, be happy you can marry now, don’t ask for dumb things.

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