Austin American-Statesman

German parliament OKs same-sex marriage

Vote would extend full marital rights to same-sex couples.

- Alison Smale and David Shimer ©2017 New York Times

When Sarah Kermer BERLIN — proposed to her girlfriend in March, she knew she was in love, but she did not know when, if ever, Germany would allow them to marry.

The answer came early Friday morning, when the lower house of the German parliament voted to legalize samesex marriage after a brisk but emotional debate, prompting Kermer and scores of other gay and lesbian Germans to celebrate in the streets.

“I was at work, and I just started crying,” Kermer, 25, said as she and her fiancée left a spontaneou­s gathering at the Brandenbur­g Gate in central Berlin. “I was watching the decision on live-stream, and I cried — a lot. This has all happened just so fast.”

The historic decision came with a swiftness rare in Germany’s usually staid politics, just five days after Chancellor Angela Merkel unexpected­ly relaxed her party’s opposition to same-sex marriage and allowed lawmakers to vote on the issue according to their conscience­s.

Merkel’s softened resistance opened the way for her coalition partners in the Social Democratic Party and two other political groups to press for a vote on the measure, which had previously been blocked by Merkel’s Christian Democrats and their conservati­ve allies. Merkel voted against the measure Friday, but many of her party colleagues voted in favor, allowing it to pass easily — 393 votes in favor and 226 against, with four abstention­s.

With the passage of the measure, Germany will join Ireland, France, Spain and other nations in extending full marital rights to samesex couples, including the right to adopt children.

“If the constituti­on guarantees one thing, it is that anyone in this country can live as they wish,” Thomas Oppermann, the parliament­ary leader of the Social Democrats, said in opening the floor debate. “If gay marriage is decided, then many will receive something, but nobody will have something taken away.”

His remark was clearly intended to defuse the opposition of conservati­ves like Merkel who argued that the constituti­on protected convention­al marriage.

The chancellor explained her stance in a two-minute statement after the vote. She said that while she had come to support the right of same-sex couples to adopt, she continued to believe that marriage ought to remain a union between a man and a woman.

What she did not want, she said, was a culture war over the issue.

“I hope that with today’s vote, not only that mutual respect is there between the individual positions, but also that an amount of social peace and togetherne­ss can be created,” Merkel said.

Axel Hochrein, a board member of the Lesbian and Gay Federation in Germany who attended the parliament­ary debate, expressed no bitterness toward Merkel, even though he had said Thursday evening that he thought she was leaning toward voting yes.

“This is perhaps part of her religious education,” Hochrein said of the chancellor’s vote. “I think it is more honest of her than to say yes. In the end, she fought for a long time against it, and always argued it was in her feelings, and this was a feelings decision.”

In contrast to Merkel’s no vote, several prominent members of her party supported the measure, including her chief of staff, Peter Altmaier, and the defense minister, Ursula von der Leyen, who has held several important posts in Merkel’s Cabinets over the years.

To become law, the measure still requires approval by the upper house of parliament and the signature of President Frank-Walter Steinmeier; neither appeared to be in doubt.

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