Austin American-Statesman

Mattis reaction to N. Korea test has tough tone

Defense secretary says U.S. will meet any threat with massive response.

- By Robert Burns and Catherine Lucey North Korea continued on A6

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Sunday shot back at North Korea’s claimed test of a hydrogen bomb with a blunt threat, saying the U.S. will answer any threat from the North with a “massive military response

a response both effective and — overwhelmi­ng.” Earlier, President Donald Trump threatened to halt all trade with countries doing business with the North, a veiled warning to China, and faulted South Korea for its “talk of appeasemen­t.”

The tough talk from America’s commander in chief and the retired Marine general he picked to oversee the Pentagon came as the Trump administra­tion searched for a response to the escalating crisis. Kim Jong Un’s regime on Sunday claimed “perfect success” in an undergroun­d test of what it called a hydrogen bomb. It was the North’s sixth nuclear test since 2006 — the first since Trump took office in January — and involved a device potentiall­y vastly more powerful than a nuclear bomb.

Trump, asked by a reporter during a trip to church services if he would attack the North, said: “We’ll see.” No U.S. military action appeared imminent, and the immediate focus appeared to be on ratcheting up economic penalties, which have had little effect thus far.

The U.N. Security Council scheduled an emergency meeting at the request of the U.S.,

Japan, France, Britain and South Korea. It would be the Security Council’s second urgent session in under a week on the North’s weapons tests, which have continued in the face of a series of sanctions.

Members of Congress expressed alarm at the North’s test and emphasized strengthen­ing U.S. missile defenses. Leaders in Russia, China and Europe issued condemnati­ons.

In briefs remarks after a White House meeting with Trump and other national security officials, Mattis told reporters that America does not seek the “total annihilati­on” of the North, but then added somberly, “We have many options to do so.” The administra­tion has emphasized its pursuit of diplomatic solutions, knowing the potentiall­y horrific costs of war with the North. But the decision to have Mattis deliver a public statement seemed to suggest an escalating crisis.

Mattis also said the internatio­nal community is unified in demanding the denucleari­zation of the Korean peninsula and that Kim should know that Washington’s commitment to Japan and South Korea is unshakable.

The precise strength of the undergroun­d nuclear explosion had yet to be determined. South Korea’s weather agency said the artificial earthquake caused by the explosion was five times to six times stronger than tremors generated by the North’s previous five tests.

North Korea’s state-run television broadcast a special bulletin to announce the test, and said Kim attended a meeting of the ruling party’s presidium and signed the go-ahead order. Earlier, the party’s newspaper published photos of Kim examining what it said was a nuclear warhead being fitted onto an interconti­nental ballistic missile.

Sunday’s detonation builds on recent North Korean advances that include test launches in July of two ICBMs that are believed to be capable of reaching the mainland U.S. The North says its missile developmen­t is part of a defensive effort to build a viable nuclear deterrent that can target U.S. cities.

The Arms Control Associatio­n said the explosion appeared to produce a yield in excess of 100 kilotons of TNT equivalent, which it said strongly suggests the North tested a high-yield but compact nuclear weapon that could be launched on a missile of intermedia­te or interconti­nental range.

Hans Kristensen, a nuclear weapons expert at the Federation of American Scientists, said the North probably will need to do more tests before achieving a functionin­g hydrogen bomb design.

Beyond the science of the blast, North Korea’s accelerati­ng push to field a nuclear weapon that can target all of the United States is creating political complicati­ons for the U.S. as it seeks to balance resolve with reassuranc­e to allies that Washington will uphold its decadeslon­g commitment to deter nuclear attack on South Korea and Japan.

That is why some questioned Trump’s jab Sunday at South Korea. He tweeted that Seoul is finding that its “talk of appeasemen­t” will not work. The North Koreans, he added, “only understand one thing,” implying military force might be required. The U.S. has about 28,000 troops stationed in South Korea and is obliged by treaty to defend it in the event of war.

Patrick Cronin, an Asia expert with the Center for a New American Security, said Trump’s comment on South Korea was probably “intended to stiffen the spine of an ally.” He said he agreed with the intention.

“I think Washington is very serious about showing some unexpected resolve,” he said. “We need our ally and we need to remain ironclad. But at the same time, we can’t afford South Korea to go weak in facing down this growing danger.”

Trump also suggested putting more pressure on China, the North’s patron for many decades and a vital U.S. trading partner, in hopes of persuading Beijing to exert more effective leverage on its neighbor. Trump tweeted that the U.S. is considerin­g “stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea.” Such a halt would be radical. The U.S. imports about $40 billion in goods a month from China, North Korea’s main commercial partner.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was calling counterpar­ts in Asia.

It’s unclear what kind of sanctions might make a difference. Lassina Zerbo, head of the U.N. test ban treaty organizati­on, said sanctions already imposed against North Korea aren’t working.

 ?? PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS / AP ?? Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford (right) listens as Defense Secretary Jim Mattis speaks to the media outside the West Wing of the White House on Sunday about the escalating crisis related to North Korea’s nuclear threats.
PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS / AP Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford (right) listens as Defense Secretary Jim Mattis speaks to the media outside the West Wing of the White House on Sunday about the escalating crisis related to North Korea’s nuclear threats.

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