Austin American-Statesman

Bad genes are a problem that people can live with

Other factors can have a large effect on staying healthy.

- By Marlene Cimons Washington Post

John Fixx works out every day. Most days he runs, either outside or on a treadmill. Sometimes he uses an elliptical machine. He also lifts weights and follows a low-fat diet. He has never smoked. At 56, mindful of his family history, he already has lived longer than his father and grandfathe­r, who both died young of heart attacks. His three siblings also practice healthy habits.

“We can’t control the DNA we are given,” says Fixx, who heads the Country School in Madison, Conn. “But we can control what we put into our bodies, and whether we exercise, get enough sleep and manage stress. A predisposi­tion to cardiovasc­ular disease doesn’t mean we can’t lead healthy lives extended by many years.”

If Fixx’s name sounds familiar, there’s a reason. His father, Jim Fixx, wrote “The Complete Book of Running,” a 1977 bestseller that helped fuel the running craze. John was 23 in 1984, just out of college, when his father died of a heart attack at 52 while out on a run. Jim Fixx had taken up running in midlife, lost weight and quit smoking, but apparently it was too late to outrun his family history: his father, Calvin Fixx, suffered his first heart attack at 36, then had a second one seven years later that killed him.

Heart attack risk increases for all men after age 45, but it is more worrisome for people whose fathers are diagnosed with heart disease before 55, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI).

An autopsy showed that Jim Fixx’s arteries had been seriously blocked. Yet his family believed then - and still believes - that the healthy habits he embraced added years to his life and that he otherwise would have died sooner. Vermont’s chief medical examiner agreed. She told the Fixx family that “his heart was so strong from years of exercise that it was able to pump blood through the diminished arteries far longer than would otherwise have occurred,” John Fixx recalls. As a result, he, his sister and two brothers committed themselves to leading healthier lives.

All this is anecdotal, for sure. But many cardiovasc­ular experts agree that a family history of early heart disease is a warning, not an automatic death sentence, and vulnerable people can lessen their risk. Such measures include quitting smoking - or never starting -eating a low-fat diet, exercising regularly and losing weight. Moreover, advances in drug therapy have made it easier to control or treat conditions that contribute to heart disease, such as hypertensi­on, high cholestero­l and diabetes.

Having bad genes “doesn’t necessaril­y mean you are fated to have heart disease,” says Cashell Jaquish, a genetic epidemiolo­gist with the NHLBI. “Other factors, like not smoking, diet and exercise, can have a very large effect. Family history does increase your risk slightly, but not as much as [not doing] these other things.”

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States for men and women, killing more than 600,000 people annually, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Every year, about 735,000 Americans have a heart attack. Of these, 525,000 are a first heart attack, and 210,000 occur in people who already have had one, CDC says. Family history is one of several risk factors, which - in addition to lifestyle behaviors and such conditions as diabetes, high cholestero­l and hypertensi­on - include, age, race and ethnicity.

Equally important, families share more than genes. They also often share the same environmen­t, the same diet and behaviors such as smoking. This can complicate efforts to tease out the role of genetics, because many factors are probably involved.

“When large studies are conducted, results suggest about a twofold risk if you had a mother or father with coronary heart disease,” says Eric B. Rimm, director of the cardiovasc­ular epidemiolo­gy program at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. “The younger your parent was when [he or she] suffered the first event, the higher the risk for the child. However, this is not all genetic, since parents and children share similar lifestyle habits, so it’s tough to disentangl­e completely.”

Iftikhar Kullo, a cardiovasc­ular genetics researcher at the Mayo Clinic, agrees. “If you’re dealt a bad hand by your family, it doesn’t mean you are determined to have heart disease,” he says. “You can reduce that risk ... . The first layer is lifestyle. The next layer is drug therapy. Risk is a scale that you can dial up or down.”

Recent studies suggest that there are at least 161 identified genetic variants that have been linked to heart disease, and most of us have one or more of them, according to experts. “These are variants that have modest effects,” Kullo says. “Each variant raises your risk anywhere from 5 percent to 35 percent, depending on the variant. The more you have, the higher your risk.”

Currently, genetic testing for heart disease risk takes place only as part of research. But Mayo is developing a test that may become more widely available to clinicians and their patients as early as this year, according to Kullo.

“There will be a time when people will have a good idea of their genetic risk,” he says. “In the meantime, the surrogate genomic test is your family history. Everybody should know their family history. If your father had a heart attack before age 55, or your mother before 65, your risk is doubled, approximat­ely. But you can reduce that risk by lifestyle changes and speaking to your doctor about the possibilit­y of medication­s to treat cholestero­l or hypertensi­on. It could save your life.”

Kullo says he believes knowing your individual genetic risk profile could encourage behavior changes or a willingnes­s to begin medication. He conducted a 2015 study comparing the use of genetic informatio­n to the current convention­al method of assessing heart disease risk, the Framingham Risk Score. The study found that people with high cholestero­l who knew their personal genetic data had lower “bad” cholestero­l (low-density lipoprotei­n cholestero­l, or LDL) after six months than those in a control group, concluding that the genetic knowledge had prompted them to start treatment.

The NHLBI’s Jaquish says she believes the biggest benefit from personal genetic informatio­n will be in pharmacoge­netics, the field that studies how genes affect the way people respond to drugs. “It will help us understand the biology, and give us new drug targets,” she says. “We’ll be using genetics to predict which drugs will work and which ones won’t.”

For example, patients with a certain variant of the CYP2C19 gene associated with a platelet clotting disorder do not respond to the drug Plavix (clopidogre­l), frequently prescribed to prevent clot formation. If patients knew they carried this variant, “their doctors could consider a different drug strategy,” Jaquish said.

In the meantime, experts say, the best advice for everyone - not just those with a family history - is to stop smoking, or don’t start, eat a healthy diet, exercise and - if necessary - take medication to control hypertensi­on, diabetes, and high cholestero­l.

 ?? MARK LENNIHAN / ASSOCIATED PRESS 2017 ?? Heart attack risk increases for all men after age 45, but it is more worrisome for people whose fathers are diagnosed with heart disease before 55, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
MARK LENNIHAN / ASSOCIATED PRESS 2017 Heart attack risk increases for all men after age 45, but it is more worrisome for people whose fathers are diagnosed with heart disease before 55, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

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