Austin American-Statesman

Hillary’s still telling sad tale to anyone willing to listen

- Kathleen Parker She writes for the Washington Post.

She can’t let go. She can’t stop talking about what happened. She wrote an entire book about it. Now, she’s telling people in other countries about why she should have won. In India last weekend, she told an audience that she won in all the smart, cool places and then hit a pandering low that puts a catalogue of others to shame.

Hillary Clinton just can’t quit herself. Not then. Not now. In case you missed it, she won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes but lost the Electoral College. Like it or not, our electoral system was set up this way — with both a popular vote and the Electoral College — ostensibly as a bulwark against mob rule.

Americans hate or love the Electoral College, depending on whether it benefits them. And every few years, we want to scrap the whole thing and let the majority have its way. Or, should I say, let demographi­cs and birth rates rule the day.

Irony, meanwhile, is one happy glutton these days. Donald Trump’s unexpected victory meant that the “mob,” as perceived by Clinton supporters, merged with the Electoral College to pick a populist demagogue.

To say that a majority of Americans awoke the morning after Election Day shell-shocked and mute is to understate the effect not so much of Clinton’s loss but of Trump’s win. But life does skip right along, doesn’t it? A triumphant Trump hasn’t slackened his pace as he shows one staff member, appointee or cabinet member out the door. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, the most recent (but surely not last), was fired Tuesday in the nick of a bad news cycle.

No good seems to come to those who serve in this administra­tion. Cue Peter, Paul and Mary: Where have all the soldiers gone? Long time passing. Where have all the soldiers gone, long time ago? Gone to graveyards, everyone; When will they ever learn? When will they e-ver learn?

The same song could be sung about Clinton, if only she could hear the music. But then, she was always a little tone deaf. In India last week on a private trip with her friend and loyal adviser, Huma Abedin, Clinton gave a few speeches as part of her ongoing global book tour to promote — wait for it — “What Happened.” She has variously blamed former FBI Director James Comey, Russia, sexists, “deplorable­s” and, in a speech in Mumbai, racism.

She started out by reiteratin­g her disdain for those who failed to recognize her virtues, saying that she won in places “that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward,” compared with Trump voters who are always looking “backwards.” Then, mockingly, talking to “those people” who voted for him, she continued, “You know you didn’t like black people getting rights, you don’t like women, you know, getting jobs, you don’t want to, you know, see Indian-Americans succeeding more than you are.”

Yikes. So, the people who voted for Trump resent Indian-Americans’ success? Funny, because surely her audience was aware that President Trump selected Indian-American Nikki Haley as ambassador to the United Nations.

Such a lack of awareness, combined with Clinton’s clear disdain for millions of Americans whom she would have served as president, confirms that she shouldn’t have won after all.

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