Austin American-Statesman

U.S. workers increasing­ly isolated — and lonely

- By Danielle Paquette Washington Post

Companies are starting to realize what workers have long sensed: Loneliness not only impairs one’s mood and health it can also hurt productivi­ty and profits.

According to researcher­s who study the issue, the economic damage caused when employees suffer feelings of isolation could soon worsen as offices become increasing­ly automated and more people work remotely .

The share of American adults who say they’re lonely has doubled since the 1980s to 40 percent, per AARP’s latest numbers. Though the United States doesn’t track the financial impact of disconnect­ed workers, researcher­s in the United Kingdom, which recently appointed a “minister for loneliness,” estimate the penalty to businesses can reach $3.5 billion a year, accounting for higher turnover and heftier healthcare burdens.

Gabriella Rosen Kellerman, a psychiatri­st and chief innovation officer for BetterUp, a workplace consulting firm in San Francisco, said employers who tackle the issue now — rather than brush it off as a personal matter — will save money in future.

“Loneliness is an expensive problem that will affect their bottom line,” she said, “whether they realize it or not.”

Kellerman said she heard from her clients, a roster that includes Fortune 500 companies, that loneliness was a mounting concern. Employees who describe solitary days tend to quit, zone out and take sick time more often than those who feel connected to their colleagues, according to multiple studies.

So, her team crunched data from a survey of about 1,600 workers across the country to better understand the risk by profession. The results, published this month in the Harvard Business Review, alarmed her, she said: Sixty-one percent of the lawyers in her sample ranked “above average” on a loneliness scale from UCLA.

Other particular­ly lonely groups were engineers (57 percent), followed by research scientists (55 percent), workers in food preparatio­n and serving (51 percent) and those in education and library services (45 percent).

Some of the jobs, of course, involve plenty of human contact. But employees need more than basic interactio­ns to fight loneliness, Kellerman said. “For a server, it is not an especially nurturing environmen­t to be somewhat on your own, working for tips, fending for yourself,” she said.

Generally, the happiest — and most productive — workers feel like valued team members, Kellerman said.

Cultures of camaraderi­e, though, are shrinking in some parts of the economy, as robots take on roles that humans once handled and more employees work from home. A recent study from the global consultanc­y firm McKinsey predicted that demand for office workers in the United States will drop by 20 percent over the next decade due to technologi­cal advances. That could mean smaller or more siloed teams.

A Gallup poll last year, meanwhile, found that 43 percent of working Americans said they did some of their job remotely, a four-percentage-point jump from 2012.

Daniel Lukasik, a lawyer in Buffalo and creator of the web community Lawyers With Depression, said he started a weekly support group for attorneys 10 years ago after realizing he and his colleagues routinely battled the grip of isolation.

Combine long hours with an adversaria­l culture, and the result can be fierce loneliness, along with deteriorat­ing mental health. (A 2016 study from the American Bar Associatio­n found 28 percent of attorneys reported struggling with depression, compared with 6.7 percent of the broader population.)

That leads to burnout, Lukasik said, especially if you’re just in it for the money.

“Saying to somebody who is struggling ‘Just deal with it’ is a failing strategy,” he said, “and it’s actually costing firms money.”

 ?? TRAVIS DOVE / NYT ?? A control center at a FedEx distributi­on center in Kernersvil­le, N.C., where five robotic tuggers have been working next to humans inside the plant.
TRAVIS DOVE / NYT A control center at a FedEx distributi­on center in Kernersvil­le, N.C., where five robotic tuggers have been working next to humans inside the plant.

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