Austin American-Statesman

GOP should stop work on immigratio­n bill until ‘Red Wave’ in November, Trump says

- Eileen Sullivan ©2018 The New York Times

President Donald Trump appeared to give up hope Friday that the Republican-controlled Congress could succeed in passing an immigratio­n bill this year, urging lawmakers in a Twitter post to stop “wasting their time.”

His advice is likely to kill current efforts to pass a measure that had little chance of succeeding.

The president said a vote on immigratio­n legislatio­n should be postponed until after the midterm elections in November, when he expects Republican­s to pick up more seats and create a stronger majority — a prediction that is far from guaranteed.

“Republican­s should stop wasting their time on Immigratio­n until after we elect more Senators and Congressme­n/women in November,” Trump wrote. “Dems are just playing games, have no intention of doing anything to solves this decades old problem.

We can pass great legislatio­n after the Red Wave!”

Trump’s change of course comes as his administra­tion struggles to reunite thousands of migrant parents and their children who have been separated at the border and dispatched to detention facilities around the country.

But House Republican­s are moving forward as planned and pushing ahead with efforts to pass immigratio­n legislatio­n, said Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana, the majority whip.

“I think the president’s expressing his frustratio­n that Democrats don’t want to solve the problem while we do, and we’re going to keep working to try to get it done,” Scalise said.

He acknowledg­ed that passing the bill would be an “uphill fight.”

For the past week, Trump has demanded changes in the nation’s immigratio­n laws and encouraged Congress to act with urgency. Relenting to pressure from lawmakers of both parties, as well as his wife and daughter, Ivanka, Trump signed an executive order Wednesday to stop separating families.

On Thursday, the Pentagon announced military bases were being prepared to shelter as many as 20,000 migrant children. Additional­ly, the House voted against a hard-line immigratio­n measure and delayed a vote on a more moderate proposal, punting a decision on the bill to next week to give lawmakers more time to pick up support.

House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., had no immediate comment Friday about the president’s change of course.

The Trump administra­tion started enforcing a “zero tolerance” policy last month, which has been met with outrage for separating children — in many cases toddlers and infants — from their families. He has falsely blamed Democrats for forcing them to enforce the policy.

Trump is taking a risk by asking Republican­s to push off a vote until after the election. If Democrats take control of the House, they are unlikely to approve wall funding.

Three hours after Trump told Republican lawmakers to give up on the bill, he tweeted about the critical need for strong border security.

“We must maintain a Strong Southern Border. We cannot allow our Country to be overrun by illegal immigrants as the Democrats tell their phony stories of sadness and grief, hoping it will help them in the elections,” Trump wrote. “Obama and others had the same pictures, and did nothing about it!”

Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., the second highest ranking Democrat in the House, said the president has rejected immigratio­n proposals even as he’s shamed lawmakers to do their jobs.

On Twitter, Hoyer wrote: “Quick refresher: 1. You created this #DACA crisis & asked Congress to ‘do your job’ & pass a bill. 2. Democrats have offered multiple bipartisan proposals to #ProtectDRE­AMers. 3. You’ve rejected every single one. You can’t take yes for an answer.”

 ?? ALEX WONG / GETTY IMAGES ?? Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen (center) greets U.S.Border Patrol members after an event Friday in Washington.
ALEX WONG / GETTY IMAGES Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen (center) greets U.S.Border Patrol members after an event Friday in Washington.
 ?? ALEX WONG / GETTY IMAGES ?? Activists protest immigratio­n enforcemen­t and policies Friday outside the White House. Despite the president’s tweet, a House Republican leader said efforts to pass immigratio­n legislatio­n continue.
ALEX WONG / GETTY IMAGES Activists protest immigratio­n enforcemen­t and policies Friday outside the White House. Despite the president’s tweet, a House Republican leader said efforts to pass immigratio­n legislatio­n continue.

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