Austin American-Statesman

FDA approves first generic non-Mylan version of EpiPen

- By Carolyn Y. Johnson and Laurie McGinley Washington Post

The Food and Drug Administra­tion approved the first generic version of EpiPen on Thursday, a move that will bring new competitio­n for the lifesaving allergy injection that helped spark public furor over high drug prices.

The new drug, from Teva Pharmaceut­icals USA, is the first to be deemed a therapeuti­c equivalent of the EpiPen epinephrin­e autoinject­or, which means that it can be automatica­lly substitute­d at the pharmacy counter for prescripti­ons for EpiPen or EpiPen, Jr.

The approval comes right before the back-to-school season, when sales of EpiPen typically spike as parents stock up on injectors for school or replace expired ones, and people have reported difficulty filling EpiPen prescripti­ons. There has been “limited availabili­ty of EpiPen in certain areas in the U.S., including both pharmacy-level supply disruption­s and a manufactur­er issue,” according to FDA spokeswoma­n Theresa Eisenman. Teva did not immediatel­y respond to questions about how quickly its version would become available or what it would cost.

The EpiPen, made by Mylan, is used to inject the hormone epinephrin­e into the thigh to quell potentiall­y fatal reactions to bee stings, peanuts and other allergens. Although the key ingredient is cheap and the EpiPen itself was first approved in 1987, Mylan began increasing the price of the product, from less than $100 in 2007 for a pack of two injectors to $608 today. In response to criticism over the price of its drug, EpiPen introduced its own half-priced generic in 2016.

Other epinephrin­e injectors have been approved before, but they struggled to gain market share against a brand that used lobbying and marketing to establish a virtual monopoly on the market. Last year, the drug company Sanofi accused Mylan in a lawsuit of using illegal tactics to squash competitio­n by its injector, called the Auvi-Q, which was discontinu­ed and then relaunched by a different company, Kaléo.

Mylan ultimately paid $465 million to the Justice Department over questions about whether the Medicaid program overpaid for the drug.

The Teva product had a hard road to approval, in part because it is a complex generic, meaning the medicine includes both an injector device and a drug. Mylan actively fought the approval of the drug, sending a citizen petition to the FDA in 2015 arguing that the drug was not truly equivalent. The FDA rejected Teva’s initial applicatio­n in 2016, citing “major deficienci­es.” Under FDA Commission­er Scott Gottlieb, the agency has made it a priority to smooth the regulatory pathway for such “complex generics” that are difficult to copy.

Teva’s generic will compete against Mylan’s own authorized generic, which has already steeply eroded its brand-name sales. Roughly $1 billion in sales of the brand name version of EpiPen in 2016 dropped by more than half in 2017.

Last September, the FDA said that Meridian Medical Technologi­es, a Pfizer company that manufactur­es the EpiPen, failed to properly investigat­e more than 100 complaints that the device malfunctio­ned during life-threatenin­g emergencie­s — including situations in which patients died.

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