Austin American-Statesman

US Rep. Beth Van Duyne asks New York police to move to Texas

- Gromer Jeffers Jr.

“Every year, we have numerous law enforcemen­t agencies looking for good officers and if I can marry up even one good officer to come to North Texas – it will be worth it for our community and for that officer.”

U.S. Rep. Beth Van Duyne

U.S. Rep. Beth Van Duyne, R-Irving, bought a full-page ad in Tuesday's New York Post urging New York police officers to seek employment in North Texas.

The ad featured the headline: “Ladies and Gentlemen of Law Enforcemen­t It's Time to Escape New York and Move To Texas!” Underneath it was a list of 15 North Texas law enforcemen­t agencies where New York officers can apply.

“Your lives don't have to be endangered by violent career criminals who are never locked away,” the ad states. “You don't have to be beaten on the streets by gangs of illegal immigrant criminals. And you don't have to be endlessly insulted by budget cuts by Defund the Police politician­s.”

“It's time for you to leave these loathsome and destructiv­e fools behind,” the ad continues. “Escape from New York.”

Van Duyne's ad comes after New York police officer Jonathan Diller was killed last month when he approached two men in a car parked at a bus stop. The Post and other media outlets have reported the men had extensive criminal histories.

“Like so many others around the country, we were heartbroke­n over the senseless and utterly tragic loss of your brother in blue,” the ad states.

Van Duyne, who hosts one of the largest job fairs in North Texas, said New York's loss would benefit North Texas. She said that her August job fair typically attracts law enforcemen­t agencies looking for officers.

“Every year, we have numerous law enforcemen­t agencies looking for good officers and if I can marry up even one good officer to come to North Texas – it will be worth it for our community and for that officer,” Van Duyne told The Dallas Morning News.

Van Duyne said the ad was purchased with campaign funds, adding it “will be well worth the cost” if New York law enforcemen­t officers moved to Texas. Van Duyne, who is up for reelection in November against Democratic challenger Sam Eppler, did not disclose the cost of the ad.

Eppler, a former high school principal, said Van Duyne didn't have any serious policy proposals that would attract more police officers to Texas. He said if elected to Congress he would push for a $7,500 tax credit for law enforcemen­t officers, teachers and first responders.

“This is an example of MAGA (Make America Great Again) theatrics,” he said of the ad. “This isn't policy.”

A spokespers­on for New York City Hall said the New York Police Department “is composed of our nation's best, brightest, and strongest individual­s” who have worked to drive down crime citywide.

“Instead of wasting New Yorkers' time and Texans' money to try to gain cheap political points, Representa­tive Van Duyne should focus on finding ways to reduce the high homicide rates in Texas that have continued under her time in office,” the spokespers­on said in a statement.

Elected leaders in Texas and New York have been at odds for years, most notably over immigratio­n and border security policies.

Gov. Greg Abbott in 2022 began busing migrants to New York and other cities controlled by Democrats. While the move brought awareness to problems at the southern border, it left New York with a crisis of its own as officials struggled to find resources to deal with the 180,000 migrants in the city.

Last week, Abbott was in New York for a state Republican Party fundraiser, and New York Mayor Eric Adams sarcastica­lly said he should stay in a shelter that houses migrants “so he can see what he has created.”

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