Austin American-Statesman

AG Ken Paxton’s dangerous plan to expand his reach into local affairs


Dusting off a 39-year-old Texas code, Attorney General Ken Paxton has proposed a rule that stretches state government reach – to a stunning degree – onto the turf of district and county attorneys. The rule, which concluded a 30-day comment period last week, at first might sound harmless. Texas allows the attorney general to require reports from district and county attorneys about criminal matters that are in the state’s interest. Paxton’s new interpreta­tion of this code, as his office put it in a news release, is meant to boost transparen­cy and accountabi­lity. Who can argue with that?

In fact, Paxton’s plan disguises an expansion of government power that is almost dizzying in its impact.

Under the proposed rule, district attorneys and county attorneys in counties with 250,000 people or more must submit entire case files, some with sensitive and confidential data, for an array of cases. Among these are cases involving indictment decisions about police officers, poll workers, and individual­s claiming self-defense.

Paxton also gives bungee-level elasticity to the phrase “violent crime.” Under the new rule, the definition of violent crime is extended to nonviolent offenses such as robbery, burglary, theft and automobile theft. “It’s a grotesque redefinition of violent crime to include nonviolent crime. Theft is associated with young people and the unhoused. It’s what you arrest kids for on the corner to teach them a lesson,” Kathy Mitchell, a senior adviser to the nonprofit Equity Action, told the editorial board. Counting these offenses as violent crimes, Mitchell said, will make for eye-popping statistics – which Paxton then can handily blame on DAs.

Some parts of the rule are so precise they seem tailored to specific events. For example, the mandate to hand over all files related to poll workers may be a response to Paxton’s unsuccessf­ul investigat­ions of poll workers. There’s also a requiremen­t for files from all cases for which the governor has publicly considered a pardon – apparently a reference to Daniel Perry, convicted in 2023 for murdering a Black Lives Matter protester. Gov. Greg Abbott pledged to pardon him.

But the most concerning part of Paxton’s rule is how unspecific it is. Redefining crime and demanding huge data chunks are not ends in themselves. They are tentacles that can grow, reaching deep into Texas daily life.

Prosecutor­s could be the first targets

The first targets will be big-city prosecutor­s. Paxton and fellow Republican­s have been blunt about their disdain for these elected officials, with Travis County District Attorney José Garza squarely in their sights. Defying GOP policy, Garza ran in 2020 with a platform including marijuana decriminal­ization, and pledged not to prosecute abortion-related crimes after Roe v. Wade was overturned.

But Paxton’s rule will create other victims as well: the voters that elected these prosecutor­s to enact their communal priorities or sit on grand juries. These heavily Democratic areas chose officials who would focus on crimes they really worry about –murder, assault, sexual violence.

In a state where big government once was detested, Paxton’s new rule is head-spinning. Could abortion one day be classified as a violent crime? Will rape survivors report these crimes if their medical files will now circulate in state government?

A potential to expand his partisan projects

“Ken Paxton’s proposed administra­tive rule for prosecutor­s grossly expands any concept of “violent crime,” allowing him to later include his pet partisan projects – attacks on the families of trans kids, migrants, election workers or doctors – at the expense of actual crime victims and the justice system itself,” wrote a coalition of legal activists that includes Equity Action, The Texas Civil Rights Project, Austin Community Law Center and AVOW.

In principle, Paxton has something right. Texas law enforcemen­t should be more transparen­t. Gathering more data – and sharing it – could answer key questions that could modernize our legal system.

There is currently no strong database, for example, that tracks how certain crimes are prosecuted from county to county. What can we learn about charging disparitie­s based on gender, disability, and economic status? What conditions of drug treatment may push some to choose jail instead?

Pointed questions, it turns out, could also slow Paxton’s push to impose his legal agenda. According to state procedure, his office must hold a hearing and respond to substantiv­e comments. For the sake of transparen­cy, Paxton should publicize this hearing far and wide. In the name of independen­ce, Texans deserve the chance to stand up to an ever-encroachin­g state government.

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