Baltimore Sun Sunday

Detective doubted prosecutor­s’ version

Dawnyell Taylor’s notes show skepticism of grand jury narrative

- By Justin Fenton

The lead Baltimore police detective in the Freddie Gray investigat­ion said she reluctantl­y read to grand jurors a summary of evidence provided by prosecutor­s that she believed was misleading, according to police records reviewed by The Baltimore Sun.

Hours later, the grand jurors issued criminal indictment­s against six police officers in the arrest and death of Gray.

Detective Dawnyell Taylor said in a daily log of case notes on the investigat­ion that a prosecutor handed her a four-page, typed narrative at the courthouse just before she appeared before the grand jury.

“As I read over the narrative it had several things that I found to be inconsiste­nt with our investigat­ion,” Taylor wrote, adding: “I thought the statements in the narrative were misquoted.”

But, she wrote, she was “conflicted” about challengin­g the state’s attorney on the narrative in the courtroom. “With great conflict I was sworn in and read the narrative provided,” she said in her notes.

When the jurors asked questions, including whether Gray’s arrest was legal, Taylor wrote that prosecutor­s intervened before she could give an answer that would conflict with their assessment.

The claims in her account underscore a rift between prosecutor­s and police that began in the spring of last year, when the two agencies worked together on parallel tracks to investigat­e Gray’s death.

Some police officials believe prosecutor­s moved too quickly and have ques-

tioned their findings, while prosecutor­s have raised questions about whether police were seeking to absolve the officers of wrongdoing. Prosecutor­s have accused Taylor in court of trying to sabotage their case.

Taylor’s case notes were provided to The Baltimore Sun anonymousl­y, and Sun reporting verified their authentici­ty. Portions of the notes, which span a four-month period beginning with Gray’s death on April 19, 2015, were discussed in court during testimony at the trial of Officer Caesar Goodson Jr. Taylor’s account of the grand jury proceeding­s was not discussed.

The trial concluded Thursday with Judge Barry G. Williams acquitting Goodson on all counts, including second-degree murder. Goodson drove the transport van in which Gray suffered fatal spinal injuries.

State’s Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby must now decide within days how to proceed with the trial of the next officer, scheduled to begin July 5.

Mosby’s office declined to comment. Prosecutor­s, defense lawyers, witnesses and others involved in the case are under a gag order that prohibits them from publicly discussing it.

Taylor testified in the Goodson trial that she turned her notes over to defense lawyers, who objected that prosecutor­s didn’t provide them first. Prosecutor­s said in court that they didn’t have the notes. Taylor later testified that she offered to provide her notes but that prosecutor­s didn’t want them.

Williams faulted prosecutor­s for not obtaining the notes and turning them over, as required under discovery.

During an exchange in court, Chief Deputy State’s Attorney Michael Schatzow accused Taylor of “sabotage” and said that he had sought to have her removed from the investigat­ion last summer.

In the final days of Goodson’s trial, Taylor sat in the courtroom — with the defense team.

The city’s police union took to social media the day after the Goodson verdict, posting a photo of Leonardo DiCaprio raising a glass and the text: “Here’s to the Baltimore 6 defense team, the FOP and Detective Taylor.” In another post with a photo of Mosby, the union wrote, “The Wolf That Lurks.”

Baltimore Police Commission­er Kevin Davis responded Saturday with a statement: “Inappropri­ate, insensitiv­e remarks or attacks that serve to detract from our necessary relationsh­ips with our community and criminal justice partners have no place in our City.”

The Fraternal Order of Police posts have since been deleted.

Prosecutor­s worked with police investigat­ors as well as the city sheriff ’s office on the Gray case. But in a court filing this month, a top sheriff’s commander, who obtained the warrants for the police officers’ arrests, played down his office’s role.

The commander said in an affidavit that he had “no involvemen­t whatsoever” in the investigat­ion by the state’s attorney’s office. He said prosecutor­s provided him a narrative that formed the basis for the charging documents.

Taylor’s case notes shed light on the grand jury process, which by law is secret.

She said that Deputy State’s Attorney Janice Bledsoe handed her a narrative on the afternoon she appeared before the grand jury. She thought she would have a chance to talk to Bledsoe before testifying, but that didn’t happen.

Bledsoe could not be reached to comment.

Taylor wrote in her notes that she believed some portions of the narrative were misleading, likening the situation to telling grand jurors that investigat­ors had shown a witness a photo lineup but not telling them that the witness failed to pick out a suspect. She didn’t specify what evidence she felt was misreprese­nted.

When members of the grand jury began to ask questions about the case, Taylor wrote, prosecutor­s intervened and answered from their perspectiv­e.

“It was at this time that I realized that she did not intend for me to answer any questions because all of my answers would obviously conflict with what I had just read to them,” Taylor wrote.

Taylor noted that she told the grand jury she was only reading the statement and that this was not her investigat­ion.

A grand jury is made up of citizens who decide whether to indict someone suspected of a crime, and the burden of proof is lower than what’s needed to secure a conviction in court.

In most cases, the state’s attorney’s office chooses an uninvolved officer to present the case to the grand jury by reading from charging documents prepared by police, according to former Baltimore homicide detective Joshua Ellsworth, who is not involved in the Gray case.

“I have never heard of the [state’s attorney’s office] providing an investigat­or with a prepared statement,” said Ellsworth, who is now an associate instructor at Indiana University’s department of criminal justice.

In homicide cases, Ellsworth said, the process is far more intensive, with detectives and prosecutor­s working together to present their case. He said members of the grand jury would often pepper him with questions, with some skeptical of the case and others wondering why authoritie­s weren’t seeking more charges.

“The grand jury is a great place to explain the totality of the facts you know, warts and all, and their questions will help you fill in what reasonable people will ask” when the case goes to trial, he said.

Police and prosecutor­s may differ on their theory of the case, he said, but detectives are there to answer questions in an unbiased manner. He said it’s the responsibi­lity of prosecutor­s to take those facts and “come to some sort of conclusion about whether to seek charges.”

Robert Bonsib, a former state and federal prosecutor who has extensive experience with grand juries, said there is “no standard answer” for how witnesses should be handled by prosecutor­s. He said prosecutor­s often meet with witnesses before they appear in grand jury proceeding­s to discuss how they plan to convey what they know and how to handle certain questions.

But Bonsib, who is not involved in the Gray case, said prosecutor­s should tread carefully: “Clearly a prosecutor isn’t supposed to tell a witness what to say, in the sense of saying anything that isn’t true or accurate or a product of their own knowledge,” he said.

Taylor’s notes indicate that she had concerns about prosecutor­s early on. She complained that in meetings before charges were brought, “it was clear that [Bledsoe] did not need to listen to any of the evidence as she had made up her mind to charge these officers.”

The Sun, which was given exclusive access by the Police Department to observe its investigat­ion last spring, reported that police believed unanswered questions remained in the case when they were caught off-guard by the prosecutor­s’ decision to charge. The day after the Police Department turned over its preliminar­y investigat­ive findings to prosecutor­s, Mosby announced the charges against the officers.

The medical examiner had ruled Gray’s death a homicide, and prosecutor­s alleged that officers disregarde­d their duty to keep Gray safe by failing to secure him with a seat belt and seek prompt medical attention after he was injured.

Goodson faced the most serious charges. Prosecutor­s said he deliberate­ly drove the van in a reckless manner, causing Gray’s injuries. Williams said he found no evidence of a so-called “rough ride.”

So far, Goodson and Officer Edward Nero have been acquitted after bench trials, while jurors deadlocked on charges against Officer William Porter. In a rebuke of the state’s case, Williams said Thursday that prosecutor­s were asking him to make assumption­s and lacked evidence for their conclusion­s.

Taylor’s notes became an issue in Goodson’s trial because she wrote in them that the medical examiner had told police that Gray’s death was an accident — a claim that the medical examiner disputed on the stand.

When Taylor took the stand, Schatzow questioned whether she wrote the notes only after her falling-out with prosecutor­s. He then asked her to confirm that she was removed from the Gray investigat­ive team upon his request.

She said that never happened. “You made the request, but you don’t have the authority to remove me.”

According to her case notes, Taylor ceased contact with the state’s attorney’s office in August. But she said on the stand that police commanders kept her on as the lead investigat­or in the case.

 ??  ?? Police Detective Dawnyell Taylor says she read an account she was skeptical of to the grand jury, as instructed by the prosecutor.
Police Detective Dawnyell Taylor says she read an account she was skeptical of to the grand jury, as instructed by the prosecutor.
 ??  ??
 ?? BARBARA HADDOCK TAYLOR/BALTIMORE SUN ?? Baltimore city prosecutor­s Janice Bledsoe and Michael Schatzow walk to the courthouse on the morning of the Officer Caesar Goodson trial verdict.
BARBARA HADDOCK TAYLOR/BALTIMORE SUN Baltimore city prosecutor­s Janice Bledsoe and Michael Schatzow walk to the courthouse on the morning of the Officer Caesar Goodson trial verdict.

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