Baltimore Sun Sunday


- — Tribune Media Services

March 21-April 19 Weeds can spoil your garden if left unchecked. Carelessne­ss or trying to finish a project too quickly could create errors or blemishes that ruin overall progress. Remember to take your time and pay careful attention to the details.

April 20-May 20 Keep your feet on the ground. A dream or idea may provide benefits in the future, but right now you may be lacking essential elements to get the ball rolling. Focus on more tangible short-term goals that you can achieve right away.

May 21-June 20 Expand your areas of expertise. Concentrat­e on skills or traits which may have proved difficult for you in the past and make an effort to improve your performanc­e. Determinat­ion and willpower can help you overcome any obstacle.

June 21-July 22 If it isn’t broken, don’t try to fix it. The fact that someone else may have experience­d misfortune doesn’t mean the same thing will happen to you. Don’t take unnecessar­y steps. There’s no need to make any changes.

July 23-Aug. 22 Don’t get too set in your ways. The methods and routines that may have served you well in the past may no longer be effective. Open your mind to newer and more innovative techniques and don’t be afraid to make changes.

Aug. 23-Sept. 22 It may all be in your head. Concerns and doubts over an issue may be unfounded and occupy far too much of your time for the next few days. Quickly clear the air with a friend or loved one with whom you may have had a dispute.

Sept. 23-Oct. 22 The loudest voice gets the most attention. This does not mean that it is the voice that deserves to be heard. Make sure that the issues and activities that you focus on are relevant and that you aren’t following someone else’s agenda.

Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Nothing lasts forever. You may have become so comfortabl­e with the status quo that you haven’t noticed a gradual shift in conditions. It may be time to reevaluate your views and positions to more accurately conform to changing times.

Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Let sleeping dogs lie. Your financial situation may not be quite as rosy as you’d like. It could be a whole lot worse, especially if you make any drastic changes. The sky is not falling, no matter what anyone tells you.

Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Stop, look and listen. Misunderst­andings are likely to arise if you aren’t paying close attention to what others are telling you. The safest investment­s to make are not making any investment­s at all.

Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Don’t get backed into a corner. Take time to mull over crucial decisions. If someone demands an answer right away then your answer should be “no.” Trying to appease someone could compromise your own interests.

Feb. 19-March 20 Take things as they come. Deal with problems as they arise. Don’t waste your time thinking about things that cause worry. Adopting a more carefree approach to your endeavors could make obstacles seem much less challengin­g. You can hit the most important targets during the coming six to eight weeks thanks to a combinatio­n of courage and accuracy. Your concentrat­ion is at a peak, so it will be easy to display leadership abilities and a skill set. Friends and group activities might be the center of attention throughout July and early August. In September and October you are likely to have a great time but might go overboard with a new interest or become extravagan­t about your finances. Wait until November to make savvy financial decisions and changes.

What’s in your future?

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