Baltimore Sun Sunday

No good options for GOP

Donald Trump has wedged his fellow Republican­s between a rock and a hard place

- By Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and a senior editor of National Review. His email is goldbergco­ Twitter: @JonahNRO.

Donald Trump has the GOP trapped in not one Catch-22, but two. Call it a Catch-44. The first Catch-22 has been the subject of widespread conversati­on over the last few weeks. As GOP pollster Glen Bolger summed it up for The New York Times: “Do we run the risk of depressing our base by repudiatin­g the guy? Or do we run the risk of being tarred and feathered by independen­ts for not repudiatin­g him?”

“We’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t,” he added.

Lots of Republican­s adore Mr. Trump — just consider the enthusiasm at his massive rallies — and will turn on the establishm­ent Republican­s who betray him.

But roughly one out of five Republican­s do not support the nominee. College-educated married white women — a major part of the GOP demographi­c coalition — are abandoning him. Mr. Trump is behind by huge margins in key swing states. His standing in the national polls is flirting with the catastroph­ic.

It’s only early August and already Republican strategist­s are speculatin­g that down-ballot candidates will have to cut and run from the nominee.

“If I were advising a candidate, and I used to do that for a living, the first thing I’d tell them is ‘Don’t put yourself in the middle of other people’s races.’ ” Oklahoma Rep. Tom Cole said on MSNBC.

That brings us to the second Catch-22. Republican candidates at this stage have no excuses to offer if they decide to repudiate Mr. Trump other than naked self-interest.

Let’s assume Mr. Trump cannot mount a comeback and becomes an albatross for countless Republican candidates across the country. And let’s say they jump ship. Then every Democrat in the country — not to mention almost every pundit — will say, “You guys were fine with Mr. Trump as the nominee when he was a racist, but now that he’s hurting the whole GOP’s chances, he’s suddenly unacceptab­le?”

And there will be some truth to the accusation.

It’s instructiv­e to look at what prompted the flop-sweat panic of recent days. After leaving the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Mr. Trump climbed the rhetorical jackass tree and then hurled himself earthward, hitting every branch on the way down.

There’s not enough space here to recount in any serious detail all of the self-destructiv­e statements and bizarre rabbit holes he spelunked into — from attacking the parents of Capt. Humayun Kahn, a soldier who died serving our country, to “jokingly” inviting the Russians to muck about in our elections, to reviving past controvers­ies about Sen. Ted Cruz’s father’s alleged complicity in the Kennedy assassinat­ion.

And yet GOP establishm­ent leaders stuck with their man — just as they’d stuck with their man when he threw NATO under the bus, and ridiculed our treaty obligation­s with Japan, and attacked American-born Judge Gonzalo Curiel for an alleged conflict of interest between his profession­al duties and his Mexican heritage. (Sure, House Speaker Paul Ryan and others criticized Mr. Trump’s comments, but they did not officially distance themselves from him.)

GOP leaders contemplat­ed pulling the emergency brake on the Trump Train only when the nominee said he wouldn’t endorse Mr. Ryan or Sens. John McCain and Kelly Ayotte.

The message was clear: Only his willingnes­s to endanger top Republican­s’ re-election was truly unacceptab­le behavior. Nothing else Mr. Trump said or did until then was beyond the pale.

In fact, the message was so clear that even Mr. Trump heard it. After an interventi­on his campaign denies took place, Mr. Trump grudgingly fell in line, reading a statement endorsing Messrs. Ryan, McCain and Ayotte with all the enthusiasm of an adolescent boy forced to apologize for shopliftin­g.

There are no good options left for the GOP. However its leaders pivot to boost the party’s chances in November, they risk revealing that winning is their only sacred principle — that is to say, admitting they have no sacred principles at all.

 ?? DARREN HAUCK/GETTY IMAGES ?? Republican presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump reluctantl­y endorsed House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senators John McCain and Kelly Ayotte at a rally in Wisconsin this month to try to heal rifts within the Republican Party.
DARREN HAUCK/GETTY IMAGES Republican presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump reluctantl­y endorsed House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senators John McCain and Kelly Ayotte at a rally in Wisconsin this month to try to heal rifts within the Republican Party.

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