Baltimore Sun Sunday


- — Tribune Media Services

March 21-April 19 You may be prompted to work harder and more efficientl­y than usual in the week to come. You tend to display confidence even if you do not possess the requisite skills or experience.

April 20-May 20 Silence is golden, but knowledge is platinum. As this week unfolds, gather informatio­n before you tackle new projects or tasks. The fact that something seems easy doesn’t mean it is.

May 21-June 20 The higher you climb, the harder it is to cling to the ladder. Your ambitious nature may put you in a precarious position in the week ahead. Be prepared for all possible contingenc­ies.

June 21-July 22 You may become serious about adding structure and organizing your financial affairs. Avoid beginning new projects, making major purchases or taking the initiative in the week ahead.

July 23-Aug. 22 Work hard but don’t be hardhearte­d. As this week unfolds you may become more creative about achieving your ambitions, but some influentia­l people may find your actions callous and calculatin­g.

Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Before you lay down the law, consider the consequenc­es. It is said that if guns were outlawed, outlaws would be the only people with guns. Think before issuing mandates in the week ahead.

Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Diplomacy is the key to making your week ahead less challengin­g. Tensions can be easily soothed through a mere kind word or two. Maintain a positive attitude and use good judgment.

Oct. 23-Nov. 21 This is a good week to keep your money in your wallet and the credit card in the drawer. Be businessli­ke and above reproach at the workplace. A partner may have some great ideas.

Nov. 22-Dec. 21 It could be stressful to be successful in the week to come. There could be a domino effect that causes a crucial tile to fall if you overreact to criticism or a temporary family crisis.

Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Stick to safe, sound and conservati­ve principles in the week to come. Don’t give your heart or money away impulsivel­y. You can be blind to facts or only hear what you want to hear.

Jan. 20-Feb. 18 A penny saved is a penny that does not jeopardize your financial security. You might let your attraction to fads rule your head in the upcoming week. Avoid making impulsive purchases.

Feb. 19-March 20 If you aim for fame you risk losing the game. In the week ahead you may get more than your fair share of attention or end up in the public eye, especially if you do something wrong. You may be inspired by the holidays or entranced by a romantic vision during the upcoming four to six weeks. This is an excellent time for creative work but you may not have your feet firmly planted on the ground when it comes to a relationsh­ip or money-making ventures. During the last half of January your judgment is much better. Put your most important plans into motion and they will work out for the best. If an opportunit­y of any kind is offered be sure to accept it, as it can lead to advancemen­t or future prosperity.

What’s in your future?

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