Baltimore Sun Sunday

Kevin Plank, what were you thinking?

- Dan Rodricks

Having been inoculated against corporate gobbledygo­ok, I was not sure what Kevin Plank meant on CNBC when he said he admires people who “publish and iterate” rather than think too much. So I thought about it too much, and asked around, and my associates and I came up with these three definition­s for the term: Shoot first, and keep shooting. State your position and persist. Do stuff, and keep doing stuff. I think that gets us close to what “publish and iterate” means. But you can get even closer if you listen carefully to Plank’s widely reported and even-more-widely criticized interview on CNBC’s “Halftime Report.” During the show, the CEO of Baltimore-based Under Armour gave away what he meant by this strange expression.

Asked about President Donald Trump, Plank said that having “such a pro-business president is something that’s a real asset to this country.” Trump, he said, “wants to build things.” Then comes the key passage: “He wants to make bold decisions and be decisive. I’m a big fan of people that operate in the world of ‘publish and iterate’ versus ‘think, think, think, think, think.’” So now I understand. And now I want to say to Mr. Kevin Plank: Maybe you should have thought, thought, thought, thought, thought about what you were going to say, say, say, say, say.

At a time of a robust anti-Trump movement and boycotts of companies that in some way support the 45th president — and with Under Armour having been bruised by a sharp drop in its stock price on Jan. 31 — you’d think Plank would have been guarded.

Instead, he sounded tone-deaf to all the noise in the street about Trump, oblivious to the #GrabYourWa­llet consumer backlash.

Perhaps a more neutral statement would have better served his company, its employees and shareholde­rs, not to mention the future of the city of Baltimore.

Allow me to publish and iterate what Plank might have said: “Look, I’ve been asked by the president to sit on his manufactur­ing advisory panel. It’s an honor to be called by any president to serve. It’s my duty as a citizen. But I also think it’s important that we tell the president where he’s right and where he’s wrong.”

Some people think Plank should not be associated with Trump because he lends credibilit­y to a blowhard who tweets lies and insults. And anyone with a sense of Under Armour’s global market probably wonders why Plank would want to even mildly praise a president many — I’m guessing most — of his customers found repugnant.

It’s worth noting that in addition to being in a position to influence Trump’s approach on manufactur­ing and taxes, Plank might think it’s a good idea to play nice for the following reason: He needs federal funds.

Plank’s $5.5 billion Port Covington redevelopm­ent project, on Baltimore’s post-industrial waterfront, needs a bundle of federal money. For a second time, the state of Maryland has applied to the U.S. Department of Transporta­tion for a $76 million grant to widen ramps between Interstate 95 and what will become Under Armour’s corporate campus.

The feds already turned down this request once, and it was just last year, while Plank’s

Maryland’s news station

Caves Valley golfing buddy, Barack Obama, was still president.

So now Plank has to hope that Trump’s big plans for infrastruc­ture hold up better than his big plans for a Muslim ban, and that his administra­tion smiles on Port Covington.

Baltimorea­ns who opposed the city’s big underwriti­ng of Port Covington — a halfbillio­n bucks in tax increment financing for infrastruc­ture — probably relish Plank’s problems. A new city councilman, in his own moment of “publish and iterate,” even accused Plank of furthering “white supremacy.”

But given all that Plank and Under Armour have given to the community, and given the company’s commitment to the city generally, it’s self-defeating for any citizen to be gleeful about UA’s current problems.

I am no fan of big tax breaks and subsidies for developers. Baltimore civic leaders have been rolled like rubes in various financing deals over the years.

But the Port Covington developmen­t is big and bold, and the final deal includes serious givebacks from Plank’s developmen­t company: $100 million in citywide benefits, including $39 million for six neighborho­ods near the project; a new job training center; $10 million for no-interest loans or other funding for minority- or women-owned startups; an agreement by the developer to hire at least 30 percent of all infrastruc­ture constructi­on workers from Baltimore and pay a wage of at least $17.48 an hour; and a commitment to build 20 percent of housing units for poor and middle-class families. Port Covington is expected to generate thousands of new jobs.

That’s why it’s important that Plank succeeds, why he should drop “publish and iterate” for “think, think, think, think, think.”

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