Baltimore Sun Sunday

Fake news may be vulnerable to ‘vaccinatio­n’

Experiment shows that ‘pre-bunking’ can offset false informatio­n

- By Sean Greene

An overwhelmi­ng 97 percent of scientists agree that climate change is real and that human activity is responsibl­e. But only 27 percent of U.S. adults realize there is such widespread agreement, according to a recent Pew Research Center report.

The scientific consensus on climate change gets diluted as the public sorts between real news and fake news, facts and alternativ­e facts. Misinforma­tion can spread like a virus.

But just like a virus, it may be possible to “vaccinate” people against the effects of fake news, according to a new study in the journal Global Challenges.

“There’s phony arguments out there, but when you alert people to who’s putting them out and why, it may dampen their impact,” said Riley Dunlap, an environmen­tal sociologis­t at Oklahoma State University who was not involved with the study.

In the study, a team of researcher­s led by University of Cambridge social psychologi­st Sander van der Linden tested this idea by giving people a simple warning about the existence of misinforma­tion regarding climate change. They predicted that the warning would work by “pre-bunking” the false informatio­n that may come someone’s way (rather than debunking it afterward).

For their experiment, the researcher­s designed an online survey to gauge people’s attitudes about climate change. In the process, some of the 2,000 respondent­s were exposed to fake news, and some were also exposed to a fake news “vaccine.” To disguise the researcher­s’ motives, subjects were told they would be randomly asked about one of 20 different topics in the news.

The researcher­s’ main interest was people’s estimates of the proportion of scientists that agreed man-made climate change exists. The subjects answered the same question at the beginning and end of the study so researcher­s could see how fake news and the vaccine shifted their views.

At the outset of the survey, the participan­ts estimated that 70 percent of scientists, on average, were in agreement about man-made climate change.

During the survey, some people were shown a simple pie chart that said “97% of climate scientists have concluded that human-caused climate change is happening.” By the time these subjects got to the end of the survey, their estimate of the extent of the scientific consensus increased to 90 percent, on average — a gain of 20 percentage points. Now for the fake news. Some subjects who saw the pie chart were later shown a screenshot of the Oregon Global Warming Petition Project. Its website falsely claims that scientists are unsure whether man-made carbon dioxide emissions will warm the planet, leading to catastroph­ic effects. Exposure to this counter-informatio­n nearly canceled out the factual statement, the researcher­s found. Those subjects’ consensus estimate decreased by half a percentage point, from about 73.5 percent to 73 percent.

However, if the fake petition was “prebunked” with a vaccine, subjects held on to their higher estimation of a scientific consensus.

The study’s inoculatio­n came in two forms: a general warning and a detailed takedown of the petition.

The general warning simply informed subjects that “some politicall­y motivated groups” mislead the public into thinking there is disagreeme­nt among scientists about climate change.

The more potent version offered both the warning and specific refutation­s of the petition, including the fact that it contains faked signatures. (The late Charles Darwin and members of the Spice Girls are among the “signatorie­s.”) It also noted that fewer than 1 percent of the signers had background­s in climate science.

The general vaccine increased participan­ts’ perception of the scientific consensus by 6.5 percentage points. The detailed vaccine worked even better, providing a 13-percentage-point increase.

Whether subjects identified as Democrats, independen­ts or Republican­s, the inoculatio­ns resulted in an increase in the level of perceived scientific consensus. This suggests, as John Cook of the Global Change Institute at the University of Queensland told the Guardian, “nobody likes to be deceived” by fake news.

“This is not to say it’s a magic vaccine for everyone, but it seems to have some benefits,” Van der Linden said. “I’d imagine people who are deeply ideologica­l … it won’t change their minds.”

The current study did not follow up on its subjects later to see whether the inoculatio­n persisted over time, but other evidence suggests the benefits could last several years.

Joshua Compton, an expert in inoculatio­n theory at Dartmouth College, pointed to a study that gave anti-smoking messages to young children and found that some effects lasted at least 20 months.

Extending the vaccine metaphor further, Van der Linden suggested that society could develop a “herd immunity” to fake news. People who have received the vaccine could share their immunity with their friends by word of mouth — or social media.

Dunlap said the climate change denial movement has borrowed from the playbook the tobacco industry used to undermine the scientific consensus that smoking causes lung cancer. Organized denial, which began in the 1980s, has been “remarkably successful” in spreading misinforma­tion about climate change, Dunlap said.

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