Baltimore Sun Sunday




Give an answer without getting an argument. By taking your time and being thorough you can avoid the problems that arise from too much speed and thoughtles­sness. Exercise self-discipline in the week ahead.

As this week unfolds you may find powerful ways to realize your ambitions. Anything you begin will have your complete attention and you can achieve your dreams because of your passion and single-mindedness.

Act as though you know what you are doing. In the week ahead you should give no one any reason to suspect your motives. Just when everything is going as planned someone might throw you a curveball.

Money might be meant for spending, but only if it creates a meaningful ending. During the week ahead, whenever emphasis is placed on finances and possession­s, consider if it creates a means to a worthy end.

Consistent effort will earn recognitio­n and appreciati­on from those who count the most. Make an effort to keep busy with constructi­ve and worthwhile projects in the week to come. Be willing to wait for a pat on the back.

Be passionate about having the best of everything. Focus on making your dreams come true in the week to come, even if it means you must learn something new. You may succeed if you perform diligent research.

Charity begins at home. Be grateful for reliable partners, devoted family members and steadfast friends in the week ahead. Financial stability and material success will be yours if you work hard and apply your skills. Answer the call when called upon to do your best. In the week ahead your partner or loved ones might pressure you to do your best. Be appreciati­ve of support and don’t waste time trying to do things on your own.

Make material stability a priority as this week unfolds. Your ambitious nature will have a chance to shine when you are given the opportunit­y to stabilize your finances. Self-discipline and planning will pay off.

Push the pedal to the metal in the week ahead. You can let your creativity have full rein and accomplish whatever you set out to do. You will have plenty of assistance from the family unit to realize your dreams.

The way finances are handled demonstrat­es character. Proof of your dedication to duty and sterling ethics can be like money in the bank. Don’t let gossip or innuendo affect your financial decisions in the week ahead.

Your inner hero doesn’t need to be faster than a speeding bullet to overcome misunderst­andings and obstacles. Achieve new heights in the week ahead without being abrasive or pretending to be something you aren’t. Gather inspiratio­n like dandelions during the next four to five weeks and you can make the finest wine. You face a superior lineup of planetary helpers in late July and August as well as in October. Business and finances may become more important to your happiness, and if you focus on success you will find it. In early August you more easily find the good in everyone, and this may mean you can become involved with people who open the doors of opportunit­y for you or who offer sound advice. Those who are good for you will come closer, and you will be protected from those who don’t have your best interests in mind. Plan ahead so that you can initiate crucial business plans or enterprise­s in August or October.

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