Baltimore Sun Sunday

In dealing with autism, Prozac has possibilit­ies

Antidepres­sant given to infant mice helps improve social interactio­ns

- Melissa Healy

After drinking mother’s milk spiked with the antidepres­sant Prozac for 19 days, infant mice bred to mimic the distinctiv­e behaviors and brain abnormalit­ies seen in autism experience­d dramatic improvemen­ts in their social interactio­ns, communicat­ion patterns and a wide range of neurochemi­cal peculiarit­ies that are a hallmark of the disorder, according to a new study.

And when newborn mice got a daily injection of Prozac in their first six days of life, the treatment appeared to restore normal vocalizati­on patterns and reduce anxiety-like behaviors well into adulthood, the new research showed.

The antidepres­sant Prozac, a selectives­erotonin reuptake inhibitor (or SSRI), is one of the world’s most widely used medication­s. It is thought to elevate mood and quell anxiety by increasing the availabili­ty of the neurotrans­mitter serotonin in the spaces between certain types of brain cells.

Research on humans suggests that, during early brain developmen­t, those who will go on to develop autism have unusually low levels of serotonin in critical areas of the brain. The new study, published last week in the journal Science Advances, offers strong evidence that a serotonin shortage and faulty serotonin signaling play key roles in the neurodevel­opmental disorder, in which social skills and verbal communicat­ion are impaired, behavior is often inflexible and sensory overload is common.

The study’s authors, from Hiroshima University and the RIKEN Brain Science Institute in Saitama, Japan, administer­ed Prozac (also known by its generic name, fluoxetine) to the mice during the first three weeks of their lives. In a human child, the treatment period was roughly the equivalent of the span from 6 months of age to about 2½ years.

At UC Davis’ MIND Institute, the possibilit­ies of SSRIs as an autism treatment are already under investigat­ion in humans.

“This study supports what we see clinically,” said Dr. Randi J. Hagerman, medical director of the MIND Institute, which treats people with a range of neurodevel­opmental disorders.

In children between 2 and 6 years old with Fragile X, a genetic disorder that frequently causes autism, Hagerman and her colleagues have found that six months of treatment with the SSRI antidepres­sant sertraline (commercial­ly marketed as Zoloft) improved the use of expressive language and other measures of cognitive function.

Hagerman said the SSRI treatment appears to boost the creation of neural connection­s throughout the brain, and to stimulate the growth of new neurons in children with Fragile X and autism. In a field where behavior-based treatments dominate, medication­s that can improve brain function hold the promise of making those behavioral interventi­ons more effective, she said.

“I think it’s making a difference,” Hagerman said.

The authors of the Prozac study acknowledg­ed that it would be “difficult to simply apply the strategy used in this study to humans.” Giving SSRIs to babies too young to be diagnosed with autism — much less putting it in their mother’s milk — would be ethically problemati­c without far more research, they wrote.

Further complicati­ng matters is the fact that some studies have linked SSRIs in general — and Prozac in particular — to higher rates of autism in babies who were exposed to the antidepres­sants in utero. Those research results, however, have been inconsiste­nt. And they have not ruled out the possibilit­y that the genetic underpinni­ngs of parental depression — including serotonin inadequacy — may be passed on, manifestin­g as autism in a child.

But in mice, the Japanese researcher­s suggested that Prozac could “restore” the structure and performanc­e of the brain’s social, sensory and communicat­ions circuitry when a genetic transcript­ion error has set developmen­t on an errant course.

In the mice bred to develop autism, the early administra­tion of Prozac increased the availabili­ty of serotonin in a structure in the midbrain called the dorsal raphe nucleus, a switching station that plays a key role in learning, memory and emotions. It restored an imbalance of activity in cells that turn some neurons “up” and other cells that tamp down electrical firing in the brain.

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