Baltimore Sun Sunday

21st-century museums

Volume of attendance is critical to museum relevance, but so is diversity

- By Christophe­r Bedford

Museums in 2018 face a great crisis and a great opportunit­y, and they are one in the same: relevance. The historical assumption that museums extend to their audiences intrinsic value has been subjected to great pressure in recent years. Audiences are now asking why museums matter in the 21st century. This question, if it goes unaddresse­d, constitute­s a critical threat to museums as we’ve known them.

The tremendous ensuing opportunit­y is to take action immediatel­y to address such concerns, re-orienting our core identity in a totalizing way to face a fresh audience with a new and unfamiliar base of knowledge and set of needs. Only by taking these steps will museums achieve relevance, and we will be transforme­d as a result, emerging in a new light as resources of true and measurable value in the 21st century.

One valuable metric of relevance is museum attendance, as The Sun’s Mary McCauley has demonstrat­ed in her recent series of articles looking at the challenges museums face today. Volume is of course valuable, as any museum profession­al will affirm, but it can also be deceiving as it relates to relevance. By example: The 2017 Venice Biennale broke all attendance records, but it still fell short of achieving a diverse audience with 72 percent of visitors being white and only 2 percent black. This was especially concerning given our U.S. representa­tive, chosen by the Baltimore Museum of Art, a co-commission­ing entity for the United States Pavilion at the event. Mark Bradford is a 56-year-old gay, black former hairdresse­r from Los Angeles and the most important abstract painter working today.

In the future, as new public programs are launched and special exhibition­s are developed by the the BMA, the challenges will not be volume of visitors, but the compositio­n — achieving a black majority audience that captures and reflects the demographi­cs of our city and artists for the first time in our museum’s long history. Few if any art museums in the United States have achieved relevance in this respect, but models for success do exist in the artist community. For years now, African American artists like Rick Lowe, Theaster Gates and Mark Bradford have formed, funded and operated nonprofits that present art and culture to deeply challenged urban communitie­s while also and explicitly meeting the most basic needs within those communitie­s and addressing issues of domestic violence, hunger, housing and job training. This emphasis on providing access to art and meeting need is fundamenta­l to achieving relevance and establishi­ng trust and value in our city. Meeting need creates the possibilit­y of an entirely new audience, and it is an important step toward remaking the BMA.

In Baltimore, both the Walters and the BMA are free museums, which is another vital step toward achieving equity of access. In fact, without free admission to these museums’ collection­s, creating a culture of inclusion across race and class lines would be far harder to achieve, if not impossible. The next vital step is crafting a culture of inclusion within our museums that helps us break down our own walls, integratin­g with our communitie­s in unpreceden­ted ways. This is generation­al work that must redress the institutio­n’s core interests: collection developmen­t, exhibition planning, public programs and the makeup of the board of trustees and staff. The BMA has recently added two artists — Amy Sherald and Adam Pendleton — whose work explores concepts of blackness to our Board of Trustees to, among other things, help us think through these strategies from within.

Every decision has to be evaluated relative to the museum’s principal goal of achieving relevance through diversity and inclusion. Cast in literal terms, this means that artists of color, women, and LGBTQi+ communitie­s will be emphasized within museum programs and achieve positions of prominence within institutio­nal structures as never before. And as a consequenc­e these historical­ly underrepre­sented communitie­s will find a home at the BMA along-side our traditiona­l audiences. This is the BMA’s work now and in the coming years. Great strides have been taken, but the hard work remains.

The true metric of our success cannot be simple attendance, but relevance achieved through a determined and unerring focus on the values of diversity, inclusion, equity and social justice. Living these values should be our only goal. Attendance is a consequenc­e of that conviction, and relevance will be the eventual reward.

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