Baltimore Sun Sunday



March 21 - April 19 The bigger the reward, the harder you’ll have to work for it. Maintain reasonable ambitions, as lofty goals could create unneeded burdens. Your keen attention to detail will be the difference between success and failure.

April 20 - May 20 Nip it in the bud. Mistakes and misunderst­andings can easily be avoided by taking your time and explaining yourself clearly and concisely. Family matters may take precedence over business at some point.

May 21 - June 20 Two heads are better than one. Picking someone’s brain for a fresh perspectiv­e may offer insights that solve a difficult problem. If certain methods have failed you in the past, it is wise to stop using them.

June 21 - July 22 Don’t jump to conclusion­s. Be careful not to react too strongly to rumors or gossip, as the truth may be a different story. There’s no harm in broadening your horizons with new knowledge, even if you never use it.

July 23 - Aug. 22 Don’t let the past come back to haunt you. Learn from mistakes by not doing what you did wrong over again. Approach existing projects with a desire for perfection but don’t start anything new.

Aug. 23 - Sept. 22 Pay attention to which way the wind is blowing. It may be best to remain noncommitt­al toward an issue. What wins the crowd over today may be unpopular tomorrow. Don’t suspect someone without concrete proof.

Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 All things in moderation. You may want to indulge in hobbies or guilty pleasures, but more important matters may suffer for it. Set your priorities and you may eventually have time to do your own thing. Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater. It may be entirely possible to achieve goals without making sacrifices or cutbacks. You and a loved one may have differing ideas of how things should proceed.

Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 The odds are against taking a gamble. The potential rewards may make a risk seem worth taking, but you stand to lose far more than you’ll gain. Your best bet is to remain cautious and thrifty. Put a rein on spending.

Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 Look before you leap. Taking quick and decisive action without knowing all the facts may lead to unexpected consequenc­es. You may feel like you should be the leader rather than a follower.

Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 Don’t get in over your head. Responsibi­lities and obligation­s could become overwhelmi­ng if you don’t budget time wisely. Don’t allow frivolous distractio­ns to derail you from getting important tasks done.

Feb. 19 - March 20 Concentrat­e on quality rather than quantity. It is to your advantage to do one task well rather than trying to juggle several things at once. Push doubts and worries from your mind when dealing with matters of the heart. During the next week maintain a low profile and don’t begin anything new, since your impulses can lead you astray. By the middle of the month your instincts are more on target and you may shine, especially in business or career settings. April and early May is the very best time to make important decisions or to put your most cherished plans into action. That is when your judgment is better than usual and when you will find the support and guidance you need to make anything you do a success. In August you might be overconfid­ent and easily overlook pitfalls. Wait until early September to make promises and commitment­s. — Tribune Media Services

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