Baltimore Sun Sunday

Why Trump’s GOP approval is so high

- By Jonah Goldberg

Early Monday morning, Donald Trump tweeted: “94% Approval Rating in the Republican Party, a record. Thank you!”

Where the president got this specific number remains a mystery. Recent polls by YouGov put his GOP approval roughly 10 points lower, and Gallup, which has tracked Mr. Trump’s popularity since he took office, puts him at 88%.

But I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised that Mr. Trump used his Sharpie to round up his score. He’s deeply invested in being — or at least claiming to be — the most popular Republican president in history. In July of 2018, he announced: “I am the most popular person in the history” of the GOP. “Beating Lincoln,” Mr. Trump added. “I beat our Honest Abe.”

For what it’s worth, polling in the 1860s wasn’t exactly reliable. But even if Mr. Trump’s oft-repeated 94% number were accurate, and even if it beat Lincoln’s ratings, it still wouldn’t beat George W. Bush’s 99% after the Sept. 11 attacks.

Why the president feels the need to embellish is already a well-spelunked psychologi­cal rabbit hole. But even ignoring his exaggerati­ons, he is consistent­ly hitting in the mid- to high 80s with Republican­s in polling, which demands a question: Why are his actual numbers so high?

George W. Bush’s 99% might offer some insight. Americans rally around a president during a war or national crisis. But members of the president’s own party in particular can be counted on to fall in line.

The Atlantic’s Ronald Brownstein argues that the key to understand­ing the president’s standing with Republican­s is that Mr. Trump is behaving like a wartime president, but the enemy is “Blue America.” Mr. Trump’s almost daily references to “treason” and enemies of the people may be driven by his own narcissism and persecutio­n complex, but they resonate with a share of the electorate that believes the cultural war really is tantamount to a cold civil war.

While Mr. Trump has made it worse, this dynamic is not new. He is more the beneficiar­y (and exacerbato­r) of the polarized landscape than the creator of it. Party identifica­tion has been declining for Democrats and Republican­s alike, but for those who cling to the label, the label has more meaning than it used to.

Until around 2000, it was normal for self-identified Republican­s and Democrats to criticize presidents of their own parties, because people didn’t cling to partisan identity nearly as fiercely. The Bill Clinton impeachmen­t battle was a foretaste of where we are. But even during the polarized presidency of George W. Bush, partisan dissent and defections were fairly common. Existentia­l partisansh­ip intensifie­d under Barack Obama’s presidency, on both the right and left.

The wartime atmosphere Mr. Trump has establishe­d encourages partisans to overlook faults with their own side more than ever, because in the zero-sum logic of war, any dissent is seen as providing aid and comfort to enemies who would be worse if they gained power.

Perhaps counterint­uitively, Mr. Trump’s myriad and manifest flaws actually intensify the effect. The need to justify your support makes it impossible to acknowledg­e any shortcomin­gs at all. When Stuart Varney of Fox Business recently refused to admit that Mr. Trump ever lies, it was as if he understood that once you pull that thread a little, there’s no telling where the unraveling will stop.

The irony is that the need to provide unwavering support for the president of your party is a direct function of the unwavering hostility from the president’s critics. This is why polls may not be as reflective of reality as we often think. If you talk to pollsters, they will tell you that many voters understand how polls can be used as weapons and don’t want to give the “enemy” any satisfacti­on.

Indeed, as I’ve argued before, there’s a rough parallel with Republican support for Mr. Bush during the Iraq War. Many Republican­s knew that the war wasn’t going well but nonetheles­s supported Mr. Bush because he was a wartime president and they loathed his critics more than they disapprove­d of his performanc­e. They’d be damned if they were going to give some pollster ammunition against the commander in chief.

Support for Mr. Bush and the war alike started to plummet as he headed for the exit. It may be that once Mr. Trump is no longer the commander in chief in the war against Blue America, the ardor of his troops will give way to a better understand­ing of the price the GOP paid on his watch.

Jonah Goldberg is a senior editor of National Review. His latest book is “The Suicide of the West.” Email: goldbergco­; Twitter: @JonahNRO.

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