Baltimore Sun Sunday

Signs to warn of contaminat­ion at fishing spots

Baltimore County to post state advisories at places where catch poses danger

- By Wilborn P. Nobles III and Scott Dance

The Maryland Department of the Environmen­t has sent 60 metal warning signs to Baltimore County to advise people to avoid or limit the amount of fish they eat from some county waterways because of contaminat­ion from substances such as mercury, PCBs, and pesticides.

The state environmen­tal department has long provided these advisories as laminated, paper signs to be posted near affected areas, said spokesman Jay Apperson, but they were always either removed or damaged.

Baltimore County received signs in English and Spanish — 30 of each, meaning they can place signs in both languages at 30 locations. The county has tentativel­y identified 20 locations for signage, county spokesman Sean Naron said. They’re assessing which sites would be good locations for the sign installati­on beginning in early spring 2020, he said.

Naron said the county picked locations based on a review of potential fishing sites at county parks that correlated with the consumptio­n advisories. The majority of the locations so far are in eastern Baltimore County’s Dundalk, Sparrows Point and Edgemere areas. The state recently provided metal signs to Prince George’s County for use on the Anacostia River.

Consumptio­n advisories are issued when an analysis of fish tissue reveals “environmen­tal factors that have the potential to increase health risks,” Apperson said in an email. The state environmen­t department has worked to make informatio­n on these advisories more widely known and accessible, he added.

Polychlori­nated biphenyls, or PCBs, and mercury can remain embedded in sediments for decades, and the contaminat­ion spreads up the food chain. The level of toxicity in different species depends on how much of their lives, or the lives of their prey, are spent in contaminat­ed waterways. Migratory fish can accumulate lower levels of contaminat­ion, for example, whereas bottom feeders can contain the highest levels because of constant exposure.

PCBs have been shown to cause cancer and harm the immune, reproducti­ve, nervous and endocrine systems. Mercury poisoning can cause brain damage that reduces hearing and vision, changes personalit­y, and triggers memory problems, seizures or paralysis, as well as developmen­tal problems in children.

The advisory says people should avoid eating the catfish, eel and blue crab “mustard” — part of the crab’s digestive system — from the Middle River, Patapsco River and Baltimore Harbor. It also provides recommenda­tions for other fish species and county waterways, as well as consumptio­n guidelines for children under seven, women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. The full advisory is online.

Alice Volpitta, lead water quality scientist for Blue Water Baltimore, said she was glad to see an increased effort to educate the public on the public health risks associated with pollution, because in many areas, people wade or fish in areas without knowledge they could be exposing themselves to illness. The local water quality advocacy group has been pushing for more signs around the Inner Harbor, for example, where there are often high levels of fecal bacteria, and Volpitta said she isn’t aware of any signs around Baltimore about mercury or PCBs.

While the new signs around Baltimore County will help change that, she added, she hopes it doesn’t scare people off from fishing or boating entirely.

“We’re always in favor of people having more informatio­n,” she said. “I think posting signs is a good step. Hopefully it won’t keep people from actively participat­ing in their waterways.”

County Councilwom­an Cathy Bevins, who represents communitie­s along three waterways, said fellow Democratic County

Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr. should request more signage from the environmen­t department.

“This is worrisome,” said Bevins of Middle River. It’s “alarming” because people use those waters to either swim or fish for food, including some restaurant­s, she said. “People are out there all the time, sitting on their buckets and catching catfish and taking them home to eat them.”

Republican County Councilman David Marks agrees with Bevins. Like Bevins, Marks also represents communitie­s along Bird River.

“It’s extraordin­arily concerning. Baltimore County’s waters are among our most important resource — not just for fishing, but also for recreation,” Marks of Perry Hall said.

The joint effort to advise residents comes after County Council voted in October to have the county ask a federal judge to force agricultur­e chemical company Monsanto to pay for the cleanup of environmen­tal toxins submerged in the county’s water bodies. The county, and Baltimore City earlier this year, allege Monsanto was responsibl­e for the PCB production and was “long aware” of its harmful nature.

A spokesman for Bayer, which completed its takeover of Monsanto last year, told The Sun the former company voluntaril­y stopped producing PCBs more than 40 years ago.

While some signs around the region mark waterways that are unsafe for human contact because of sewage contaminat­ion, water quality advocates said there is little public informatio­n or knowledge about the harms of industrial pollution. David Sikorski, executive director of the Maryland chapter of the Coastal Conservati­on Associatio­n, said he recalled state environmen­tal officials giving out pamphlets or fliers about fish contaminat­ion in years past, but not anytime recently.

“There’s very little awareness,” said Sikorski, whose group that represents recreation­al anglers. Informatio­n about fish and shellfish contaminat­ion is “something that continuous­ly needs to be provided for the public,” he said.

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