Baltimore Sun Sunday

Put these 4 problem areas on your spring to-do list

- By Diana Crandall

At home, spring isn’t just about rolling up your sleeves to dust and polish those hard-to-reach places.

No matter the climate in which you live, now is the right time to give your house a once-over and tackle important spring maintenanc­e before summer settles in.

1. Inspect and clean your roof. April showers bring May flowers — and they also send rainwater rushing over your roof, into your gutters and through your downspouts.

Spring is an ideal time to have a profession­al check for — and fix — loose or broken shingles, roof leaks and chimney damage. And a good seasonal gutter cleaning will prevent pooling water that can damage your house and attract pests like mosquitoes and termites.

2. Examine your home’s exterior. Take a walk around the outside of your home to search for holes in screens, as well as deteriorat­ing hardware on windows and doors.

While you’re at it, look for damage to porches, decks and patios. Has it been a while since you’ve had your deck treated? If it’s been more than four to six years, tackling this project will help protect the wood from issues like rot, splinterin­g and decay.

Finally, take a look at your siding. Address any loosened panels, water damage or dents as soon as you can. If the outside of your house looks dirty, give it a wash with the hose. Better yet, have a pro give it a good power washing from top to bottom.

3. Give your lawn and garden some TLC. As your perennial plants sprout back to life, yank out weeds and address any bald spots in your lawn. Open up closed exterior water lines and check for leaks, or issues with your hoses as you reattach them. Have an irrigation system? Make sure to turn it back on according to local codes.

If you have big trees on your property, it’s not a bad idea to have an arborist come by and make sure they’re healthy. Dying trees can create a safety hazard, and pros can often identify and address a problem before it gets worse.

4. Scan your driveway and walkways for cracks and grime. Temperatur­e swings and tools such as shovels and snowblower­s can wreak havoc on concrete and asphalt. Winter and spring storms can also cause a buildup of dirt and sediment in and on your driveway and walkways. Take a look at the surfaces and keep an eye out for cracks, small holes, pooling water or unevenness.

A pro can help with quick repairs to holes or cracks and let you know if there’s more serious damage you’ll need to address. If you’re just looking to brighten things up, consider hosing off or power washing this area along with the exterior of your home.

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