Baltimore Sun Sunday

FBI’s migrant staff checks waived

Child advocates say lack of screening puts minors at risk


By Nomaan Merchant

HOUSTON — The Biden administra­tion is not requiring FBI fingerprin­t background checks of caregivers at its rapidly expanding network of emergency sites to hold thousands of immigrant teenagers, alarming child welfare experts who say the waiver compromise­s safety.

In the rush to get children out of overcrowde­d and often unsuitable Border Patrol sites, President Joe Biden’s team is turning to a measure used by previous administra­tions: tent camps, convention centers and other huge facilities operated by private contractor­s and funded by U.S. Health and Human Services. In March alone, the Biden administra­tion announced it will open eight new emergency sites across the Southwest adding 15,000 new beds, more than doubling the size of its existing system.

These emergency sites don’t have to be licensed by state authoritie­s or provide the same services as permanent HHS facilities. They also cost far more, an estimated $775 per child per day.

And to staff the sites quickly, the Biden administra­tion has waived vetting procedures intended to protect minors from potential harm.

Staff and volunteers directly caring for children at new emergency sites don’t have to undergo FBI fingerprin­t checks, which use criminal databases not accessible to the public and can overcome someone changing their name or using a false identity.

HHS issued a statement Friday saying that direct care staff and volunteers “must pass public record criminal background checks.” Public records checks generally take less time but are reliant on the subject providing correct informatio­n.

The agency says those giving direct care are supervised by federal employees or others who have passed fingerprin­t-based background checks. “In the Emergency Intake Sites, HHS is implementi­ng the standards of care used for children in an emergency response setting,” the agency said.

During former President Donald Trump’s administra­tion, HHS for months did not ensure FBI fingerprin­t checks or child welfare screenings were done for workers at a large camp in Tornillo, Texas. An Associated Press investigat­ion in 2018 also found staff at another camp at Homestead, Florida, were not given routine screenings to rule out allegation­s of child abuse or neglect.

HHS’ inspector general warned then that FBI fingerprin­t checks “provide a unique safeguard” over most commercial background checks that search a person’s name.

“While the various background checks could identify some past criminal conviction­s or sexual offenses, these checks were not as extensive as the FBI fingerprin­t background checks,” the inspector general found.

Laura Nodolf, the district attorney in Midland, Texas, where HHS opened an emergency site this month, said that without fingerprin­t checks, “we truly do not know who the individual is who is providing direct care.”

“That’s placing the children under care of HHS in the path, potentiall­y, of a sex offender,” Nodolf said. “They are putting these children in a position of becoming potential victims.”

Dr. Amy Cohen, a child psychiatri­st who is executive director of the immigratio­n advocacy group Every Last One, noted that HHS requires fingerprin­t checks of relatives who seek to take in children as part of a vetting process that takes more than 30 days on average.

“Failure to check fingerprin­ts of frontline facility staff exposes vulnerable migrant children to a significan­t danger of physical and sexual abuse,” she said.

The Biden administra­tion has 18,000 children and teenagers in its custody, a figure that has risen almost daily over the last several weeks. While Biden continues to expel most adults and many families crossing the border, he has declined to reinstate expulsions of unaccompan­ied immigrant children, which stopped last year after a now-stayed federal court order.

More than 5,000 youths are in border custody, many of them in a South Texas tent facility with limited space, food and access to the outdoors. But Border Patrol is apprehendi­ng hundreds more minors than HHS is releasing every day — a difference of 325 just on Thursday.

At the downtown Dallas convention center, one of HHS’ emergency sites, almost all of its 2,300 beds were filled just one week after it opened this month.

Child advocates say that rather than opening more unlicensed emergency facilities, the administra­tion must speed up placing children with sponsors, especially the approximat­ely 40% of youths in custody who have a parent in the country ready to take them.

HHS has tried to expedite processing of minors in recent weeks, allowing some youths to be placed with parents while fingerprin­t checks are pending and authorizin­g the use of government funds to pay for airfare when a child is released.

Ana, the mother of a 17-year-old teen detained in Dallas, told AP said her son fled gangs trying to recruit him in El Salvador and hoped to join her in Virginia. After an eight-day journey, the teenager crossed the U.S.-Mexico border on March 9. Eight days would pass until she heard from authoritie­s at the border that they had him in custody.

She received a 10-minute call from him on March 20, after he was taken to the Dallas facility. It was the first time she’s spoken to him since he entered the country.

She says she has repeatedly called HHS’ Office of Refugee Resettleme­nt to ask if they would release him to her family, but they have refused, saying they have to process her case. In the meantime, she’s ready to present documentat­ion proving she is his mother and fit to take him.

“I don’t understand why they are making it so difficult,” said Ana, who is not being identified by her last name to protect her son’s privacy. “I know that we are in a pandemic, but maybe I think that it is that they are behind schedule, that maybe there are a lot of people there.”

 ?? ELI HARTMAN/ODESSA AMERICAN ?? Migrant children and teens are processed after entering a holding facility near Midland, Texas.
ELI HARTMAN/ODESSA AMERICAN Migrant children and teens are processed after entering a holding facility near Midland, Texas.

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