Baltimore Sun

Harris wrangles with D.C. over marijuana

Some call for Eastern Shore boycott in protest of effort to block decriminal­ization

- By John Fritze

WASHINGTON — A proposal by a Maryland congressma­n to block the decriminal­ization of marijuana in the District of Columbia has devolved into a war of words — with some D.C. advocates calling on Washington­ians to boycott the beaches of the Eastern Shore this summer in protest.

Rep. Andy Harris, Maryland’s only Re- publican in Congress, set off the controvers­y last week by attaching an amendment to a federal funding bill that would stop the district from enforcing the decriminal­ization law signed by Mayor Vincent Gray in March.

City leaders reacted angrily at what they view as the latest attempt by Congress to overrule their local authority.

“I’m deeply disappoint­ed that the will of District voters is once again under assault by a member of Congress out to score political points,” Gray said in a statement Thursday. “I urge every American who cares about fairness and democracy to stand up to this hypocrisy and bullying.”

Gray, a Democrat, stopped short of calling for a boycott of Ocean City and other beaches in Harris’ district. But some, including the advocacy group DC Vote, have issued such a call. Harris, meanwhile, has stoked the debate. “People aren’t going to stop coming [to the Shore] from the District — people actually want to get away from some of the problems in D.C. that the mayor has not been able to solve,” Harris told a Washington television station Thursday. “We don’t have the crime problem that D.C. has.”

Despite the kerfuffle, Congress is unlikely to take up the underlying appropriat­ions bill — and if it did, the provision would not likely survive in the Democratic­controlled Senate. But the effort has brought significan­t attention to Harris at a time when he is running to lead the Republican Study Committee, a caucus of conservati­ve House members that wields considerab­le influence in the chamber.

The District law is expected to take effect in mid-July. Harris’ effort comes months after Maryland made possession of10 grams or less of marijuana a civil offense.

Harris doesn’t appear concerned about a boycott of the beaches.

“I’m on the road heading to the Shore from D.C. and traffic is really heavy,” the congressma­n tweeted Thursday night. “Too many D.C. plates.”

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