Baltimore Sun

Male privilege is real


I would like to note several relevant facts that Stewart Thomas neglected to address in his recent commentary regarding gender bias (“When it comes to gender bias, do males have it the worst?” April 28).

Women’s and girls’ bodies are constantly, inescapabl­y commiditiz­ed and exploited in ways that boys’ and men’s are not. Sexual assault is a constant threat to us. We have to give careful considerat­ion to situations in which men and boys rarely need worry such as traveling to and from work. (Yes, males do victimize other males sexually, but in sheer numbers and impact, girls and women bear the brunt of sexual violence.)

The occupation­al self-selection that he mentions is, I submit, less a matter of choice than of the limited options most women have when trying to juggle career, family and time for themselves. Women are, by and large, the presumptiv­e caretakers, cleaners and uncompensa­ted bearers of domestic responsibi­lity in the world.

Girls and women in many parts of the world live in medieval conditions, subject to male-imposed strictures and laws that amount to involuntar­y confinemen­t and sexual slavery.

Sorry, Mr. Stewart. Male privilege still exists — as evidenced additional­ly by the fact that any woman who dares challenge it is labeled a “man-hater.”

Janet L. Goldstein, Baltimore

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