Baltimore Sun


- 21-April 19 20-May 20 21-June 20 21-July 22 23-Aug. 22 23-Sept. 22 23-Oct. 22 Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Nov. 22-Dec. 21 22-Jan. 19 Jan. 20-Feb. 18 19-March 20 — Tribune Media Services

Don’t rock the boat. Though you may not agree with it, you’ll make more progress if you go along with the consensus for now. Making minor sacrifices today will benefit the greater good in the future.

Go along to get along. A team can only succeed if all parties cooperate to reach the same goal. Your positive attitude and friendly demeanor will make it easy to bring others to your side.

Forgive and forget. You won’t gain anything by harboring a grudge, so it would be in your best interest to reconcile and move on. Someone with more experience may have profound advice to offer if you are willing to listen.

Little things mean a lot. Thoughtful gestures and acts of kindness may require a minimal effort on your part but may end up paying big rewards. When faced with tough questions, just speak your mind and you won’t go wrong.

Honesty is the best policy. Being truthful and forthright in all ways will silence any critics who may doubt your motives. It may be the thought that counts, but don’t be stingy when purchasing gifts for friends or loved ones.

Nothing but the best. You may decide to spend a little extra on the more expensive brand because it’s true that you get what you pay for. Acquiring attractive items that have caught your eye may be worth stretching the budget.

Pick a direction. When at the proverbial crossroads, it falls to you to choose a single path and stick with it. Look for some sort of inspiratio­n so that you may approach any projects or tasks with enthusiasm and passion.

Two heads are better than one. A project may run more smoothly if you have someone else to help pick up the slack. Be discrimina­ting with purchases and only buy items that fall within the boundaries of good taste.

Kindness yields its own rewards. While you may not get back everything you give, karma will ultimately smile upon you. Adding alluring items to your wardrobe may help improve your selfesteem.

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Be gracious when someone presents you with a token of affection, no matter how you may truly feel about it. There’s no need to be envious of a peer when you have much to be proud of yourself.

Put your best manners forward. Whether wheeling and dealing in the business world or trying to win over the object of your affection, being at your best will make it happen. A bit of tasteful humor can help break the ice.

Let bygones be bygones. Give someone who may have wronged you a second chance. You’ll be surprised at how they come through for you. A special someone may be waiting for a chance to lavish affection upon you. Genuine peace and tranquilli­ty can be yours during the coming six to eight weeks. Put a new health regimen into motion to improve your health. People who are good for you grow closer while those who do not have your best interests in mind will find it difficult to get in touch. This is an excellent time to make crucial decisions about people and commitment­s. Shrewd financial maneuverin­g can get you into a good position during December. You may even make some lasting connection­s with people who understand and appreciate your true nature.

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