Baltimore Sun

Sessions nod upsets civil rights groups

GOP: AG pick will restore Justice Dept.

- By Del Quentin Wilber Los Angeles Times’ Seema Mehta contribute­d.

WASHINGTON — Under the Obama administra­tion, the Justice Department’s civil rights division was rebuilt into what former Attorney General Eric Holder called the agency’s “crown jewel.”

But many civil rights advocates and legal scholars voiced concern Friday that the unit faces an uncertain future under the leadership of Donald Trump and his pick to be the next attorney general, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala.

They predict the Justice Department in the coming years will be less likely to sue states over voting restrictio­ns that target the poor or minorities, to hold police department­s accountabl­e for abuses or fight for the rights of transgende­r people.

Also vulnerable are Justice Department guidelines set under President Barack Obama that sought more lenient sentences for nonviolent offenders and restricted racial profiling and surveillan­ce of Muslims.

Among the biggest objections to Sessions, civil rights groups say, is that he has consistent­ly voted against expanding rights for gays and lesbians, spoken dismissive­ly of the 1965 Voting Rights Act and was denied a federal judgeship in 1986 over racially insensitiv­e remarks he made.

Now that same staunch conservati­ve may be in charge of federal civil-rights enforcemen­t.

Advocates say a retreat from the Justice Department’s aggressive posture on civil and voting rights would come at a horrible time. The country is grappling with the aftermath of widespread frustratio­n sparked by the killings of unarmed black men by police officers in cities and towns across the nation.

In recent years, minorities have increasing­ly turned to the Justice Department to address discrimina­tion by police and state and local government­s.

Sessions “must be committed to equal justice under law for all,” said Kristen Clarke, president and executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.

Sessions’ positions are better known than those of President-elect Donald Trump, who has released few proposals dealing with criminal justice matters.

Sessions voted for a constituti­onal amendment banning same-sex marriage and against expanding hate crimes to include sexual orientatio­n. He opposed an update to the Voting Rights Act after a 2013 Supreme Court ruling struck down key elements of the historic law. He has been critical of bipartisan efforts to reform sentencing in drug cases.

In 1986, when he was tapped by President Ronald Reagan to become a federal judge, Sessions’ nomination was rejected by the Senate Judiciary Committee after it emerged he made racially charged remarks.

Justice Department lawyers and colleagues at the time said Sessions had once agreed that a white lawyer was a “disgrace” to his race for handling civil rights cases, Conservati­ves say that Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., would rein in a Justice Department that, under Obama appointees Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, went too far. referred to a black attorney as “boy,” and called the National Associatio­n for the Advancemen­t of Colored People and American Civil Liberties Union “unAmerican.”

Sessions denied having made those statements or said he did not recall them.

Republican­s and conservati­ves cheered Sessions’ appointmen­t, saying they are enthusiast­ic about what they see as a reversal of Obama administra­tion policies in the civil rights arena that they think went too far, particular­ly in the investigat­ions of police department­s, lawsuits against states over voter ID laws and the refusal to defend a federal law prohibitin­g the recognitio­n of same-sex marriages.

“It’s time to end the politiciza­tion of the Justice Department and start defending the rule of law,” said Sen. John Cornyn, a top Republican in the Senate.

Republican­s and conservati­ves also expressed skepticism over civil rights’ groups dire warnings.

Hans Von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at the conservati­ve Heritage Foundation think tank, said he thought the civil rights division will continue to bring voting rights cases as merited, but that the department had gone too far under Obama in suing states over their voter ID laws despite a Supreme Court ruling upholding such requiremen­ts.

Von Spakovsky said the division’s investigat­ions into police department­s appeared to be an effort to impose federal standards, rather than correct violations of civil rights.


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