Baltimore Sun

Hillary and history

What will textbooks say about the first female presidenti­al nominee of a major party?

- By Carolyn L. Buck Carolyn L. Buck is director of institutio­nal advancemen­t at the Institute of Notre Dame; her email is

In the Broadway blockbuste­r “Hamilton,” there is a haunting refrain: “Who lives? Who dies? Who tells your story?” Before the musical, much of Alexander Hamilton’s legacy was lost. He was a founding father and Treasury secretary, but was known better for having been killed in a duel with Aaron Burr than for his accomplish­ments.

What will history tell future generation­s about the woman who would have/could have/should have been the first female president of the United States? She was twice a candidate. In 2008, she ran unsuccessf­ully in the Democratic primaries against Barack Obama, the man who would go on to become our nation’s first black president. And now in 2016, nearly a decade later, she finally wins the Democratic Party’s nomination — wins the national popular vote — but she does not carry the Electoral College.

Will they tell her story from the perspectiv­e of a long-suffering former first lady, whose charismati­c husband was impeached but not convicted, the charges rooted in his tawdry conduct with a 21-year-old White House intern?

Will they describe her work representi­ng New York as a senator in Washington, later to be appointed secretary of state? Will they describe her grace under pressure in an email scandal? Will they speak of her love for her only child, Chelsea? How will history portray the Clinton marriage? Did Hillary seal her fate by remaining in it? Or had she made her deal with the devil and seen her husband as an inconvenie­nt but necessary catalyst in her political career?

Right now, I will focus on the photogone-viral of Hillary Clinton the day after her dignified and poised concession speech, posing alongside a young mother with her child in a carrier strapped onto her back. The photo was taken, apparently by Bill Clinton, as he and his wife encountere­d the young woman during a walk in the woods near their suburban New York home. Hillary appears to be relaxed. (I think she may have even been wearing leggings.) She has on little to no makeup. She could be any of us, looking much as I do on a Saturday as I run errands at the supermarke­t, the mall or going out for a movie with my husband.

We can speculate that “this Hillary” might have appealed more to the Rust Belt voters. We can come up with all sorts of explanatio­ns detailing her inability to connect with the less educated. A Wellesley-educated woman with a degree from Yale School of Law still could not break the glass ceiling to become our first female president. How will history tell her story, should that achievemen­t go to a woman with pop star status? (Michael Moore has suggested perhaps Oprah Winfrey.)

Ultimately, when the 2016 Trump victory is described by historians, Hillary’s fate will be intertwine­d with his. There will be a supporting character of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, a populist with socialist appeal to the young as part of the rising action in the political drama. Political pundits and reporters will serve as a contempora­ry Greek chorus, chanting key phrases from the sidelines: “basket of deplorable­s” and “what about her health?”

The denouement will strike many as ironic tragedy. The image of President Obama demonstrat­ing merciful acceptance of the election results, asking the nation to root for the success of the soon-to-be President Trump. Yet not once in his eight years in office did Mr. Obama’s critics and opponents (Mr. Trump among them) ever root for him. President Obama’s exit from office will be life imitating art in its parallel to the scene in “Hamilton” in which George Washington heads home to Virginia.

My sincere hope is that when her story is told, the legacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton will stand on its own merit rather than in the shadows of Donald Trump and his self-proclaimed brand of big is better.

 ?? ANDREW HARNIK/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Democratic presidenti­al candidate Hillary Clinton has had a long public life. History books should tell her full story, not just the part involving Donald Trump.
ANDREW HARNIK/ASSOCIATED PRESS Democratic presidenti­al candidate Hillary Clinton has had a long public life. History books should tell her full story, not just the part involving Donald Trump.

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