Baltimore Sun

Sox fan Obama greets Cubs at White House

- By Paul Sullivan

WASHINGTON — After being honored at the White House on Monday afternoon, the Chicago Cubs revealed the real reason why they desperatel­y wanted to make the trip before President Barack Obama left office.

Touring the White House and being celebrated for their first championsh­ip since 1908 was certainly fun for the Cubs, but it wasn’t nearly as important as converting the die-hard White Sox fan into a Cubs fan, a task more difficult than turning Hillary Clinton supporters into Donald Trump fans.

Cubs president Theo Epstein said they offered Obamaa“midnight pardon” to switch to the Cubs.

When Obama stopped laughing, Epstein turned up the heat. The Cubs presented Obama with several gifts which Epstein said would “recognize this terrific conversion on this great day,” including a No. 44 panel from the old center-field scoreboard, recognizin­g his status as the 44th president, a lifetime pass to Wrigley Field, a No. 44 jersey, and a ‘W’ flag signed by the Cubs players which Epstein said should be flown at his presidenti­al library in Chicago.

Sitting alongside Billy Williams, Ryne Sandberg and Jose Cardenal, Cubs great Fergie Jenkins shouted out to Obama to put the jersey on. The president politely declined.

“It’d be hard for me, Fergie, to wear the jersey,” he said. “I do know that among Sox fans, I am the Cubs’ No. 1 fan.”

Obama said the gifts were the “best swag I’ve got since I’ve been president.”

The ceremony began with Obama poking fun at the Cubs’ storied drought, saying “They said this day would never come,” and pointing out none of his predecesso­rs “ever got a chance to say, ‘Welcome to the White House, the World Series champion Cubs.’ I will say to the Cubs, it took you long enough. I’ve only got four days left.”

Obama then took a page out of his 2008 playbook, comparing the Cubs’ journey to his own rise to president of the United States.

“I made a lot of promises in 2008,” he said. “But even I was not crazy enough to suggest that during these eight years we would see the Cubs win the World Series. But I did say that there’s never been anything false about hope. The audacity of hope. Yes we can.”

After Obama’s remarks, Epstein took over and began reminiscin­g about their World Series title, which he said had “even saw some White Sox fans smiling.” Finally, Epstein got to the plan. “Which, Mr. President, brings us to you,” he said. “Weknowmayh­avesomeall­egiances to another team on another side of town, but we know you’re a very proud Chicagoan, and we know your better half, the first lady, has been a lifetime and very loyal Cubs fan, which President Barack Obama stands with Cubs co-owner Laura Ricketts, right, and Cubs players and staff during a White House ceremony honoring the team’s World Series championsh­ip. we appreciate very much.

“And of course we have great faith in your intelligen­ce, you common sense, your pragmatism and your ability to recognize a good thing when you see one. So Mr. President, with only four days remaining in your tremendous presidency, we’ve taken the liberty here today of offering you a midnight pardon. And so we welcome you with open arms today.”

Epstein later said he found out onthe plane ride to Washington that he was supposed to make a speech.

“Obviously we had to address the fact he a White Sox fan, give him all the respect he’s due,” he said. “We figured we could pardon him since he’s going to pardon so many in his final days.”

The Cubs-Sox byplay was one of manager Joe Maddon’s favorite parts of the afternoon.

“The slings and arrows at the White Sox are always entertaini­ng,” Maddon said.

The faux conversion attempt capped a memorable day for the Cubs players, staff and their wives, who met with Obama and his wife, Michelle, beforehand and toured the White House. Obama said Michelle had never attended any of the championsh­ip celebratio­ns before, but decided to attend this one to tell the team about her family’s love for the Cubs “and why it meant so much to her.”

Several Cubs players who have left the team this winter flew in, including Dexter Fowler, Aroldis Chapman, Trevor Cahill and Chris Coghlan, while some of the current Cubs missed the trip, including Jon Lester, John Lackey and former Oriole Jake Arrieta, who cited family reasons.


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