Baltimore Sun

Trump assails senator over remarks

President says Dem misconstru­ed court nominee’s statement

- By David Lauter and Brian Bennett

WASHINGTON— In the short history of the Trump presidency, the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court had been the one effort operating under traditiona­l rules — smooth, carefully planned and predictabl­e. Until Thursday. The disruption came, as has so often been the case, with a tweet from the president, in which he attacked a senator whose support Gorsuch was trying to win.

As Donald Trump repeated his attack later in the day, White House aides seemed to struggle to keep his comments from complicati­ng what had been a textbook rollout of a high court nomination.

At stake are the votes of a handful of senators who make the difference between an easy confirmati­on for Gorsuch and a highly partisan one that would require changing the Senate’s rules to obtain a win.

Gorsuch has a firm hold on all 52 Republican­s in the Senate. He’s been trying to woo a handful of Democrats in hopes of reaching the 60 votes needed to avoid a filibuster. Part of his approach has been to assure them that if he is confirmed, he would be independen­t of the man who picked him.

On Wednesday, Gorsuch met with one of the uncommitte­d Democrats, Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticu­t. Gorsuch told Blumenthal that he was “dishearten­ed” by disparagin­g statements Trump had made about judges. Trump has aimed his attacks at the judges who have been considerin­g legal challenges to his temporary ban on travelers from seven predominan­tly Muslim countries.

Blumenthal quickly made the remark public, noting later that Gorsuch had said he was free to do so. A spokesman for Gorsuch confirmed the remark to reporters.

Thursday morning, the former senator who is guiding Gorsuch through the nomination process confirmed the words, again.

“He said that he finds any criticism of a judge’s integrity and independen­ce dishearten­ing and demoralizi­ng,” former Sen. Kelly Ayotte said in a statement. Gorsuch was not commenting on any specific case and emphasized that he was troubled by any attack on the judiciary, she said. Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch, right, meets with Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., on Capitol Hill.

Senate aides and others familiar with the confirmati­on process interprete­d the comments as a careful effort to distance the nominee just far enough from Trump’s controvers­ial remarks to win over the Democratic votes he wants.

The White House team shepherdin­g Gorsuch’s nomination appeared to be trying to give Democrats a “justificat­ion for voting for him,” said James Manley, who served as a top aide to former Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada when he was the chamber’s Democratic leader.

But if that was the plan, Trump, sensitive to criti- cism, complicate­d it.

In a tweet Thursday morning, he took a shot at Blumenthal, saying the senator had misreprese­nted Gorsuch’s comments. For good measure, the president also took aim at Blumenthal’s credibilit­y, bringing up a 7-year-old controvers­y over his military service.

“Richard Blumenthal, who never fought in Vietnam when he said for years he had (major lie), now misreprese­nts what Judge Gorsuch told him?” Trump tweeted.

During Blumenthal’s campaign for Senate in 2010, he was criticized for claiming in speeches that he had served in Vietnam. Blumenthal had been in the Marine Corps Reserve and was not posted overseas. He later said he had misspoken about his record a few times out of the hundreds of speeches he has given in his political career.

A few hours later, in a White House meeting with several senators, Trump repeated that criticism.

“His comments were misreprese­nted. And what you should do is ask Sen. Blumenthal about his Vietnam record that didn’t exist after years of him saying it did,” Trump told reporters.

The sequence of events generated multiple theories about what was taking place behind the scenes: Had Gorsuch’s comments caught the White House by surprise or, as many Democrats speculated, had they been part of the administra­tion plan all along?

Manley said he leaned toward the simple explanatio­n — that even if some administra­tion officials knew that Gorsuch would try to distance himself from Trump, the president “did what comes naturally, lashing out” at criticism.

“I think the guy can’t help himself,” he said.

Trump didn’t say how Blumenthal had “misreprese­nted” Gorsuch’s com- ments.

But in the daily White House briefing, press secretary Sean Spicer insisted that Gorsuch had been speaking only about “his general philosophy about the judiciary,” not about any specific criticisms Trump had made about judges.

“There is a big difference between commenting on the specific comments that had been made in a tweet and his general philosophy about the judiciary and his respect for his fellow judges,” Spicer said.

“As a whole, he doesn’t like attacks, in general, on the judiciary.”

That i nterpretat­ion might have assuaged the president’s feelings, but it undermined whatever effort Gorsuch might have been making to demonstrat­e independen­ce. It gave Democratic leaders an opening to step up demands that he more explicitly denounce Trump’s comments.

A private criticism “whispered” to a senator is “not close to a good enough show of independen­ce,” Democratic leader Sen. Charles Schumer of New York said in a Senate speech.

Gorsuch’s remarks so far were “not a good start,” he added.


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