Baltimore Sun

Trump signals possible thaw with N. Korea

President: ‘We will’ meet, but regime must ‘de-nuke’

- By Brian Bennett

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has expressed new openness to talks with North Korea over its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs, saying “we will be meeting” as he delivered what was supposed to be a comedic speech at an annual gala dinner and spoof hosted by Washington journalist­s.

Officials said later that no meeting has been scheduled, but Trump’s apparently unscripted aside seemed to indicate a willingnes­s to negotiate with the government of Kim Jong Un, whom Trump has taunted as “little Rocket Man” and threatened with “fire and fury like the world has never seen.”

Trump delivered a selfdeprec­ating punchline during a rambling speech Saturday night in front of more than 600 journalist­s and guests at the Gridiron Dinner at the Renaissanc­e Washington Hotel saying: “I won’t rule out direct talks with Kim Jong Un, I just won’t. As far as the risk of dealing with a madman is concerned, that’s his problem, not mine.”

But then he appeared to depart from his written remarks to describe an overture that Pyongyang has extended to Washington, apparently through the government in South Korea.

“By the way, a couple days ago they said, ‘We would like to talk,’ and I said, ‘So would we, but you have to de-nuke, you have to de-nuke,’ ” Trump said.

The Trump administra­tion has publicly insisted that North Korea give up its nuclear weapons program before talks could begin, a demand Pyongyang on Sunday dismissed as “prepostero­us.”

In his comments, however, Trump hinted he may be considerin­g other options, saying “maybe positive things are happening” and “we will be meeting, and we’ll see if anything positive The government of Kim Jong Un dismissed U.S. demands that it dump its nuclear arsenal. happens.”

A U.S. official said Washington would insist that any talks should focus on denucleari­zation but that it would not demand it disarm first or set other preconditi­ons to meet. North Korea wants internatio­nal recognitio­n of its role as a nuclear power, a position the U.S. and its allies say they cannot accept.

On Sunday, North Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs dismissed U.S. demands that it give up its nuclear arsenal. But it also said dialogue with Washington was possible and that it hopes to find a “diplomatic and peaceful solution” to the conflict.

At CampDavidi­nJanuary, Trump said he would “absolutely” be willing to talk to Kim without preconditi­ons.

That signal appeared to get through to Pyongyang. Last month, Vice President Mike Pence prepared to meet secretly with North Korean officials during his visit to the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchan­g, South Korea

But the North Korean delegation, led by Kim’s sister Kim Yo Jong, canceled the meeting after Pence vowed to sharply expand U.S. sanctions.

Trump’s public willingnes­s to negotiate marks a reversal of sorts.

Last fall, he seemed eager to quash an effort by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to start talks with Kim’s government through back channels. In October, Trump wrote on Twitter that Tillerson was “wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man.”

In recent weeks, Trump has repeatedly claimed credit for North Korea’s decision to send a delegation to the Olympic Games and have its athletes walk with South Korean athletes in the opening ceremony, although leaders in Seoul and Pyongyang arranged the episode them- selves.

South Korea is sending a 10-member delegation to Pyongyang on Monday to pursue the nascent thaw in relations. The visit aims to lower tensions on the peninsula and encourage Kim’s government to re-enter dialogue with Washington, according to South Korea’s Yonhap news agency.

North Korea last year tested interconti­nental ballistic missiles that for the first time appeared capable of reaching the continenta­l United States and tested a thermonucl­ear device that was far more powerful than earlier versions.

U.S. officials say it is only a matter of time before Pyongyang masters the ability to build a bomb small and robust enough to be launched atop a long-range ballistic missile and thus pose a direct threat to the United States.

The Trump administra­tion has tried to push China and Russia to further cut trade with North Korea, has pressured other countries to cut diplomatic ties with Pyongyang, and added new banking and human rights sanctions against Kim’s government.

In addition, Trump has asked the Pentagon to update U.S. military options to prevent North Korea from launching a nuclear strike.

 ?? WONG MAYE-E/AP 2017 ??

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