Baltimore Sun

President imposes sweeping tariffs

Trump: Action ends ‘assault’ on aluminum, steel

- By Don Lee Baltimore Sun reporter John Fritze and the Associated Press contribute­d.

WASHINGTON — Brushing aside stern warnings from ally nations, U.S. companies and lawmakers in his own party, President Donald Trump imposed substantia­l tariffs Thursday on steel and aluminum imports from across the globe.

His order — which included an indefinite but conditiona­l exemption for Canada and Mexico — marked the first time in more than three decades that a U.S. president has invoked national security as the basis for ordering such trade restrictio­ns.

The protection­ist move is almost certain to be contested at the World Trade Organizati­on and met with retaliator­y measures from other nations.

And the seemingly impromptu rollout, lack of details and uncertain process ahead could mean that the tariff plan — like so many other Trump programs — finds itself tied up in legal challenges or congressio­nal roadblocks. The new tariffs — 25 percent on imported steel and 10 percent on aluminum — will take effect in 15 days.

“The American aluminum and steel industry has been ravaged by aggressive foreign trade practices. It’s really an assault on our country. It’s been an assault,” Trump said during a White House ceremony before signing the orders. He was accompanie­d by steel and aluminum workers wearing factory uniforms and holding white hard hats.

The final order retreated sharply from the blanket tariffs Trump spoke of just a week ago. He exempted — at least temporaril­y — Canada President Donald Trump hands out pens to workers after signing executive orders on steel and aluminum tariffs. and Mexico from the tariffs, and opened the door for virtually every other country to also avoid them — provided they offer a “satisfacto­ry alternativ­e,” according to the decree.

“We’re going to be very flexible,” Trump emphasized. Trump suggested, for example, that there could be a carve-out for Australia. “We have a very close relationsh­ip with Australia, we have a trade surplus with Australia. “We’ll be doing something with them. We’ll be doing something with some other countries,” he said.

“We’re going to see who’s treating us fairly, who’s not treating us fairly,” Trump said. He then invited trading partners who want to avert the new tariffs to make their case to his chief trade official, Robert Lighthizer.

Trump suggested that Canada and Mexico could make their exemption permanent by agreeing to U.S. demands in the renegotiat­ion of the North American Free Trade Agreement. So far the two trading partners in the 24-year-old pact have flatly rejected Trump’s effort to link the two issues. “The negotiatio­n process for the modernizat­ion of NAFTA will follow its course independen­tly of this or any domestic policy measure taken by the United States government,” Mexico’s Finance Ministry said Thursday in a statement.

Reaction in Maryland, where manufactur­ers rely heavily on steel imports according to a recent study, was largely negative. The Maryland Chamber of Commerce predicted that the decision would have “terrible effects on Maryland’s economy” and said it would “set back” manufactur­ing, constructi­on and other industries.

Steel and aluminum make up 5.5 percent of Maryland’s imports and, by that measure, the state is ranked fourth in the nation for its use of those products, according to a study from the Brookings Institutio­n this week. Only Missouri, Louisiana and Connecticu­t had a higher share.

Republican leaders on Capitol Hill have tried to persuade the White House against the decision for weeks, and many offered muted criticism Thursday. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he and other senators were “concerned about the scope of the proposed tariffs” and House Speaker Paul Ryan said he disagrees with the decision and “fear[s] its unintended consequenc­es.”

Democrats, including several members of Maryland’s mostly Democratic congressio­nal delegation, have also opposed it. “No one can doubt that China has created massive overcapaci­ty in steel and aluminum production that distorts world markets and depresses steel and aluminum prices,” Rep. Steny Hoyer, a Southern Maryland Democrat, said Thursday. “But our trade actions need to be carefully designed to hit their targets and avoid collateral damage to other U.S. industries or to our allies.”

Administra­tion officials said other factors that would be considered for exemption from the tariffs could include reducing a bilateral trade deficit with the U.S. or coughing up more money for joint internatio­nal security expenses.

But in exempting Canada and Mexico — leaving wiggle room for other countries to get waivers — Trump has undercut his own claim that the duties are necessary to protect national security, said James Bacchus, a former House lawmaker and ex-chairman of the appellate body of the World Trade Organizati­on. “This is looking less and less like a national security measure and more and more like economic pressure,” Bacchus said.


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