Baltimore Sun

Outcry about splitting migrant families grows

Republican­s press Trump to stop separating children Hogan pulls Guard unit back from U.S. border

- By Eli Stokols and Noah Bierman By Erin Cox and Michael Dresser

WASHINGTON — Senate Republican­s mobilized Tuesday to end the administra­tion’s policy of separating children from their migrant parents — and the mounting political backlash — as President Donald Trump publicly held firm, warning that those illegally crossing the border “infest our Country.”

Yet cracks appeared in the White House’s hard line as outrage against the policy built amid continued media coverage of bedraggled children penned in austere government detention centers.

An administra­tion official suggested that the president might sign a narrow bill to address the issue, despite his public demands that any measure include $25 billion for his promised border wall and new limits on legal immigratio­n. “The president wants a comprehens­ive fix,” the official stressed, adding, “but he is willing to strongly consider legislatio­n that would address the separation issue.”

Late in the day Trump met at the Capitol with Rodricks says Trump policy is bad economics. NEWS PG 3

Republican Gov. Larry Hogan recalled a small unit of Maryland National Guard soldiers helping to patrol the southern U.S. border on Tuesday amid a national outcry about separating migrant children from their families.

Hogan joined a bipartisan wave of governors across the country revoking resources along the Mexican border in protest of an immigratio­n policy widely condemned by both sides of the aisle.

In Maryland a chorus of Democrats running for governor and other state leaders — from U.S. Rep. Elijah E. Cummings to Catholic Archbishop William E. Lori — demanded President Donald J. Trump and Congress end a “zero tolerance” policy that has separated nearly 2,000 children from their parents in recent weeks.

Hogan announced in a tweet that he would rescind all resources until Trump’s administra­tion reversed the policy.

“Immigratio­n enforcemen­t efforts should focus on criminals, not separating innocent children from their families,” the governor tweeted. He said that early Tuesday he ordered the four Maryland National Guard crew members and their helicopter

“Immigratio­n enforcemen­t efforts should focus on criminals, not separating innocent children from their families.”

House Republican­s about their proposals for a comprehens­ive immigratio­n bill. After rambling remarks, including familiar recollecti­ons about his 2016 victory, he spoke little of the family-separation controvers­y or immigratio­n policy generally, and left without giving party leaders the full en- dorsement they sought for their bill, according to accounts from those in the room.

Hours earlier, in a partisan speech to a friendly small business organizati­on, Trump stuck to his demand that Congress address the crisis as part of a wide-ranging immigratio­n bill that includes money for a border wall. He ignored calls, including from Republican­s, that he could end his own 6-week-old policy simply with a word.

Faced with the president’s resistance to act, however, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters at the Capitol that Senate Republican­s would devise “a plan that keeps families together.”

The plan seems likely to accomplish that by detaining families as a whole, not by allowing them to be free pending a deportatio­n hearing, as was typically the case until last month.

McConnell’s deputy, Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, said the Senate could act “in a matter of days, hopefully this week.” More than a dozen Senate Republican­s signed a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions urging that he suspend family separation­s until a legislativ­e fix can be signed into law.

“I don’t think anyone has the patience to let him hold children hostage for a wall,” one senior Republican aide in the Senate said. “He can get that funding the oldfashion­ed way, through a budget request.”

It remained unclear, however, that House Republican­s would go along. And Senate Democrats, believing they have the upper hand politicall­y, are resisting giving Republican­s help to fix the issue.

“Legislatio­n is not the way to go here, when it’s so easy for the president to sign it,” Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer told reporters.

More Republican­s echoed that sentiment, even as they searched for legislativ­e fixes. “The White House could change it in five minutes, and they should. It’s a mistake. It’s a change in policy by this administra­tion,” said Sen. Lamar Alexander, a senior Republican from Tennessee.

Senators in both parties have proposed limited legislatio­n to end the family separation­s, which have put more than 2,000 children in detention centers since the Trump administra­tion announced its “zero tolerance” policy six weeks ago, as many parents now face criminal as well as civil prosecutio­n. Because children can’t be jailed with their parents, they are detained separately.

All Senate Democrats have endorsed a bill by California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, while Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican facing re-election in Texas, where the crisis is playing out, has proposed a separate measure. The proposals, in different ways, would prevent the Department of Homeland Security from separating children from their parents at the border.

Trump, in his earlier remarks to the National Federation of Independen­t Business, reiterated that he doesn’t want families split, yet defended the policy as putting a stop to “thousands” of child smugglers crossing the border.

Trump, in his speech, assailed proposals — like Cruz’s — to provide more immigratio­n judges to expedite the backlog of asylum cases at the border. His Justice Department recently announced it was sending 18 additional judges to the border region, however, and Cruz’s bill calls for hundreds more. “I don’t want judges. I want border security,” Trump said in an extraordin­ary attack on the long-standing immigratio­n courts system. “We have to have a real border. Not judges. Thousands and thousands of judges they want to hire. Who are these people?”

The president riffed for nearly 20 minutes at the business luncheon on the topic of immigratio­n, veering from scripted lines demonizing child smugglers and Democrats to an aside blaming Mexico for allowing smugglers and drug trafficker­s to reach the border. “Mexico, they do nothing for us,” Trump said. “Try staying in Mexico a couple days — see how long that lasts.”

The president asserted that the administra­tion’s choice on family separation­s is a hard but necessary one: “We can either release all immigrant families and minors who show up at the border from Central America,” he said. “Or we can arrest the adults for the federal crime of illegal entries.” He added: “Those are the only two options: Totally open borders or criminal prosecutio­n for lawbreakin­g.”

Trump attacked the news media for its reporting on the border crisis. Since late last week, the near-blanket television coverage and published reports from the border, with images of young children alone inside detention centers and an audio recording of wailing toddlers, has spawned one of the largest backlashes of the tumultuous Trump administra­tion.

“They are fake,” he said of the news media, drawing applause. “They are helping these trafficker­s and these smugglers like nobody would believe. They know it.”

As he has throughout the controvers­y, Trump blamed Democrats, even though his administra­tion formally announced the policy in May, after considerin­g it since the early days of Trump’s presidency. The administra­tion opted to shift to a zero tolerance approach with asylum seekers, believing that the separation of immigrant parents and children would serve as a deterrent to illegal immigratio­n.

 ?? JACQUELYN MARTIN/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? U.S. Rep. Elijah E. Cummings of Baltimore, the ranking Democrat on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, urged his Republican colleagues at a hearing Tuesday to stand up to President Donald J. Trump on the family separation issue.
JACQUELYN MARTIN/ASSOCIATED PRESS U.S. Rep. Elijah E. Cummings of Baltimore, the ranking Democrat on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, urged his Republican colleagues at a hearing Tuesday to stand up to President Donald J. Trump on the family separation issue.
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