Baltimore Sun

Trump’s bad economics on immigratio­n

- Dan Rodricks­s

The Trump-produced horror show at the U.S. border represents the rock-bottom of American responses to the challenge of immigratio­n — a cruel and immoral abuse of children for midterm political gain by a cynical president — but it comes at the end of a long, tortured road.

For 30 years, since President Ronald Reagan’s offer of amnesty and a path to citizenshi­p for undocument­ed immigrants, Congress has failed to build a comprehens­ive and sustainabl­e system. Why? Super-partisansh­ip in Washington; the incessant demonizing of undocument­ed workers and the myth that they steal jobs from American citizens; and strident opposition to repeating Reagan’s practical and humane gesture that brought 2.7 million people out of the shadows.

Reagan’s style of Republican seems pretty much Paleozoic today.

“What part of ‘illegal’ don’t you understand?” is the tired phrase that ends discussion of how we address the millions of undocument­ed immigrants already in the country and the millions more who want to move here.

In the long wake of 9/11, anti-immigrant fever ran at a steady, low simmer. And then Donald J. Trump fanned the flames.

Remember: In 2015, when he announced that he would run for president, Trump held up immigrants as a great threat to the country — if not the greatest threat.

“The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems,” he said, moments later adding his infamous blast at Mexicans: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. ... They’re sending people that have lots of problems. ... They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

It took about three years for that ugly expression to become official policy, and here we are, treating immigrants from Central America as criminals and using the draconian tactic of family separation to inflict as much pain as possible on those who try to cross the border, even those who seek asylum. To what end? What I don’t get — what I have never understood — is why Republican­s with any memory of Reagan allow Trump to use immigratio­n to stoke fears when it should be used to stoke the economy.

What happened to Republican affection for the “market argument”?

The “market argument” usually impresses the hardest conservati­ves on the American scene, especially the owners of businesses.

Consider the subject of ex-offenders released from prison.

Americans across the political spectrum, even those with tough, law-and-order attitudes, accept the argument that, without second chances — support in making a transition from prison to freedom, an opportunit­y for employment despite a criminal record — “returning citizens” are at risk of committing moreoffens­es, causing further harm to people and property.

The “market argument” is that successful transition­s turn felons into productive workers and taxpayers, reduce prison population­s and allow for significan­t savings in government spending on incarcerat­ion.

Back to immigratio­n: Reagan was a champion of business and lower taxes, and, as a former California governor, he saw the importance of immigrants to commerce.

Today, there is an even greater case for a path to citizenshi­p for undocument­ed immigrants, a smart and humane approach to border policy and greater U.S. interventi­on in Central American nations where conflict and crime drive so many families north.

The argument is straightfo­rward: Without moreimmigr­ants, the nation will not continue to grow and prosper. There will be disruption­s in regional economies.

Case in point: The shortage this summer of crab pickers on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. The pickers are seasonal workers from Mexico, not immigrants, but the dilemmafac­ed by their usual employers — the result of more restrictiv­e policies of the Trump administra­tion — highlights the fact that certain businesses need migrant laborers to doworkAmer­icans won’t do. Other factors: The steady departure of baby boomers from the workforce. Noting the pace of boomer retirement, the Pew Research Center found that immigrants, both legal and undocument­ed, will make up the major part of workforce growth over the coming decades.

We are going to need more tax-paying immigrants to maintain Social Security and Medicare. “Without working-age immigrants steadily expanding the American labor force, the trust funds would be going broke even faster than they are now,” former editor George Melloan wrote in The Wall Street Journal last week.

In face of this, what do we get? We get an immigratio­n policy that is restrictio­nist and harsh, based on an obsessive, irrational fear of outsiders rather than on rational recognitio­n of what the country needs — and what it should stand for.

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