Baltimore Sun

Bipartisan agreement: Putin visit a bad idea

Trump maintains meeting in Helsinki was ‘GREAT’

- By Laura King

WASHINGTON — Lawmakers from both parties on Sunday expressed opposition to President Trump’s plans to host Vladimir Putin in Washington later this year, with even some of the administra­tion’s Republican allies conceding that last week’s encounter with the Russian president did not go well.

Trump, for his part, plunged ahead with efforts to portray the Helsinki summit as a triumph, and to impugn the motives and methods of U.S. law enforcemen­t agencies looking into links between his 2016 presidenti­al campaign and Russia as it worked to subvert the election in his favor.

In a series of combative tweets Sunday, the president declared that last Monday’s summit with Putin, and their side-by-side news conference that drew bipartisan negative reviews, had been “GREAT.”

Trump also asserted, without evidence, that his campaign had been illegally spied upon by the FBI.

On Sunday’s television talk shows, the closest thing to a staunch defense of Trump’s meeting with Putin came from a former aide, Tom Bossert, who had been an adviser for homeland security. Yet even as Bossert called the talks “productive,” he pushed back at Russia’s emerging narrative that the two leaders had privately made agreements that would run counter to previously stated U.S. policy.

“They didn’t agree on anything, unlike what’s been reported by, apparently by the Russian government in a way to mislead us,” Bosssert said in an interview on ABC’s “This Week.”

Bossert conditione­d his assessment on the fact that the White House has failed to offer an accounting, even to senior U.S. intelligen­ce officials, of what occurred in the closed-door meeting between the two leaders. That is a highly unusual decision that has drawn broad expression­s of concern, as did Trump’s insistence on meeting alone with Putin in the first place, without the usual senior advisers and note-takers. Critics had warned that the format risked allowing Russia to put its own spin on the session.

Several senior Democrats said Trump’s public show of skepticism of U.S. intelligen­ce conclusion­s about Russian election interferen­ce — while he stood side-by-side President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki last Monday. with Putin — suggested that the Russian leader, a onetime spymaster, had some kind of hold over him.

“For whatever reason, this president acts like he’s compromise­d,” Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House intelligen­ce committee, said on ABC. “There is simply no other way to explain why he would side with this Kremlin former KGB officer, rather than his own intelligen­ce agencies.”

Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., said on “Fox News Sunday” that Trump “seems to want to be chummy” with Putin rather than to defend U.S. interests. That, he said, boded ill for another high-profile meeting with the Russian leader.

“Now we’re going to give him a redcarpet treatment and invite him to Washington,” said Menendez. “To me, that’s beyond comprehens­ion.”

Some Republican­s chimed in with similar criticism, including Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, who has championed Trump’s cause in criticizin­g the widerangin­g investigat­ion by special counsel Robert Mueller.

Gowdy, also on Fox, suggested the White House invitation extended to Putin — which caught even senior administra­tion figures like Dan Coats, the director of national intelligen­ce, unawares — was unwise.

“The fact that we have to talk to (Russia) about Syria or other matters is very different from issuing an invitation,” said Gowdy, who heads the House oversight committee. “Those should be reserved for, I think, our allies.”

A fellow South Carolina Republican, Sen. Lindsey Graham, also said Trump had not done enough to stand up to Putin, and warned that such acquiescen­ce would invite stepped-up Russian aggression.

“Just have sanctions that can fall on Russia like a hammer,” Graham said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

“Do you meet with this guy from a position of weakness?” asked Graham, as if directly addressing Trump about the Russian leader. “If you were really tough with Putin, he would not be doing what he is doing.”

Despite such publicly aired misgivings about Trump’s dealings with Putin, Republican­s largely continued to support, or at least condone, the president’s insistence that the Mueller probe is a “witch hunt.”

Putin acknowledg­ed in Helsinki that he had wanted Trump to win, but again denied any interferen­ce had taken place — a denial that Trump seemed to accept, over unanimous U.S. intelligen­ce findings to the contrary.


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