Baltimore Sun

Alternativ­e Fact of the Week

Turns out the FISA scam isn’t so scammy


Our view:

Last Saturday, the Trump administra­tion released 412 pages of redacted documents related to the wiretappin­g of Carter Page, a former campaign aide who was targeted by the FBI for possible clandestin­e activities on behalf of Russian intelligen­ce. While it’s taken time to review the paperwork and decipher some of the government-speak and legalese, at least one conclusion is unavoidabl­e: Boy, President Donald Trump and his compliant yes-men and women in the U.S. House of Representa­tives and the right-wing media sure did (and in many cases, continue to) misreprese­nt what caused that surveillan­ce to be approved by authoritie­s.

How “alternativ­e” were the “alternativ­e facts” offered in venues like Rep. Devin Nunes’ infamous memo or President Trump’s tweets? Calling them misleading in their descriptio­ns would be generous. Here are just a few examples of false claims:

The FBI bamboozled the Foreign Intelligen­ce Surveillan­ce Act (FISA) court about the political roots of the so-called Steele dossier, the opposition research report put together by former British Intelligen­ce officer Christophe­r Steele for Fusion GPS. In fact, officials offered a detailed explanatio­n (although not identifyin­g the parties by name beyond such descriptio­ns as “Candidate #1 or Political Party #2) that pointed out, among other things, that the investigat­or was paid by a political opponent.

The controvers­ial Steele dossier was the reason why the Trump campaign was being looked at by the FBI in the first place. That’s straight out wrong, too. As the documents point out, investigat­ors began looking at Trump-Russia ties two years ago, not because of Mr. Page or the dossier but because of George Papadopoul­os, another Trumpcampa­ignaide. Readers mayrecall Mr. Papadopoul­os as the former foreign policy adviser who has already pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI. He reportedly told a high-ranking Australian diplomat in London that the Russians had "political dirt" on Hillary Clinton.

The Steele dossier provided the sole justificat­ion for the wiretap. That’s just not true. Admittedly, a great deal of the corroborat­ing material is redacted, but here’s something that isn’t: the judges who approved the warrant were all Republican appointees. And they renewed it three times. Three times!

The government failed to meet the FISA standard of “veryifying” the informatio­n. This is largely a technical debate, but experts say it merely requires the FBI and Justice Department to be sure that the evidence they’ve collected supports the allegation­s they are making, and nothing in the memo suggests they did not.

Now compare the reality of what we now know of the wiretap applicatio­ns and the breathless claims of “witch hunt” and “hoax” from the president and the chair of the House intelligen­ce committee and others have been making. “We’ve been totally vindicated,” Mr. Nunes told a Fox News host. On Twitter, Mr. Trump wrote that it was “Looking more & more like the Trump Campaign for President was illegally being spied upon (surveillan­ce) for the political gain of Crooked Hillary Clinton and the DNC.” Facts don’t seem to matter in the witch hunt bubble.

Obviously, the point of these attacks on the FBI is to cast doubt on anything related to the Russia investigat­ion and muddy the waters, sowing confusion whenever possible. Howcould President Trump be associated with any misconduct when it’s the investigat­ors who are breaking the law? It’s a classic smear campaign, and the best measure of its outrageous­ness and immorality is that there are Republican­s who can’t stomach it, too. Among them is Sen. Marco Rubio who believes the FBI probe was justified and has said so publicly, pointing out that Mr. Page had openly bragged about his ties to Russia. Under such circumstan­ces, was the FBI supposed to ignore it?

Andwhile we’re onthe subject of dissing law enforcemen­t, some of those “Freedom Caucus” House Republican­s subservien­t to Mr. Trump have moved on this week to seeking to impeach Rod Rosenstein, a fellow Republican and career prosecutor who also just happens to supervise special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. This is what happens when you spend enough time in a fantasy world of deep state conspiraci­es; you pursue impeachmen­t against the wrong fellow. With all this intrigue and misdirecti­on, small wonder the public hardly seemed to notice the release of an audio recording of the president of the United States discussing a hush money payoff to a former Playboy model. Straightfo­rward payoffs to paramours just don’t register as serious scandals anymore. President Trump’s caterwauli­ng about a “witch hunt” that has collected 191 criminal charges against more than 30 individual­s so far is drowning it all out.

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