Baltimore Sun

Facebook yanks shady accounts

‘Inauthenti­c’ political behavior suspected

- By Barbara Ortutay and Mary Clare Jalonick

NEW YORK — Facebook elevated concerns about election interferen­ce Tuesday, announcing that it had uncovered “sophistica­ted” efforts, possibly linked to Russia, to manipulate U.S. politics and by extension the upcoming midterm elections.

The company was careful to hedge its announceme­nt; it didn’t link the effort directly to Russia or to the midterms, now less than 100 days away. And its findings were limited to 32 apparently fake accounts on Facebook and Instagram, which the company removed because they were involved in “coordinate­d” and “inauthenti­c” political behavior.

But official Washington connected those dots anyway, not least because the reported activity so closely mirrored Russian influence campaigns during the 2016 presidenti­al election. Nearly 300,000 people followed at least one of the newly banned accounts and thousands expressed interest in events they promoted.

“This is an absolute attack on our democracy,” said Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate intelligen­ce committee and one of several lawmakers Facebook had briefed in advance. Warner expressed “pretty high confidence” that Russia was behind the assault.

A spokesman for Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley said Facebook had informed his office that “that a limited group of Russian actors has attempted to spread disinforma­tion using its platform and that the affected groups are affiliated with the political left.”

The identified accounts sought to “promote divisions and set Americans against one another,” wrote Ben Nimmo and Graham One popular “fake” account was called “Resisters.” Others included “Aztlan Warriors” and “Black Elevation.” Brookie of the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab in a blog post Tuesday. The nonprofit is working with Facebook to find and analyze abuse on its service.

The perpetrato­rs, Facebook noted, have been “more careful to cover their tracks” than in 2016, in part because of steps Facebook has taken to prevent abuse over the past year. For example, they used virtual private networks and internet phone services to mask their locations, and paid third parties to run ads on their behalf.

After it became clear that Russia-linked actors used social media to try to influence the 2016 U.S. election, Facebook has escalated countermea­sures intended to prevent a repeat. It has cracked down on fake accounts and tried to slow the spread of fake news and misinforma­tion through outside fact-checkers. The company has also announced new guidelines around political advertisem­ents, requiring disclosure of who paid for them and keeping a database.

While the company would not say who is behind the efforts, Facebook said it uncovered links between the accounts it just deleted and those created by Russia’s Internet Research Agency in the 2016 influence effort.

For example, the Atlantic Council’s researcher­s noted “language patterns that indicate non-native English and consistent mistransla­tion, as well as an overwhelmi­ng focus on polarizing issues.” The accounts seemed focused on building up an online audience and moving it to offline events, such as protests.

The earliest page was created in March 2017. Facebook says more than 290,000 accounts followed at least one of the fake pages. The most followed Facebook pages had names such as “Aztlan Warriors,” “Black Elevation,” “Mindful Being,” and “Resisters.”

Facebook didn’t provide detailed descriptio­ns of those pages. But their names parallel those of 2016 groups establishe­d by Russian agents to manipulate Americans with particular ethnic, cultural or political identities. That effort targeted people with both liberal and conservati­ve leanings.

This time, the pages Facebook found focused “exclusivel­y at engaging and influencin­g the left end of the American political spectrum,” according to Atlantic Council researcher­s.


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