Baltimore Sun

On shutdown, GOP aims to get Trump to shut up

- By Felicia Sonmez and Seung Min Kim Associated Press contribute­d.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Tuesday revived his threat of a government shutdown over the issues of immigratio­n and border security, creating yet another headache for Republican leaders on Capitol Hill who have been marching forward with plans to avert a funding crisis before the November midterms.

“I don’t care what the political ramificati­ons are, our immigratio­n laws and border security have been a complete and total disaster for decades, and there is no way that the Democrats will allow it to be fixed without a Government Shutdown,” Trump said in a tweet Tuesday afternoon.

“Border Security is National Security, and National Security is the longterm viability of our Country,” he added. “A Government Shutdown is a very small price to pay for a safe and Prosperous America!”

The president’s tweet vowing willingnes­s to go through with a government shutdown came even as he has told aides privately that he recognized the political cost and won’t make any move until after t he midterm elections, according to two White House officials.

A congressio­nal aide said the White House had sent a similar message to Capitol Hill amid widespread anxiety about a potential shutdown as Republican­s face tough re-election fights.

The two officials and the congressio­nal aide spoke on Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says the Senate wants to resolve the border wall issue through regular order. condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss internal deliberati­ons.

But Tuesday’s threat came one day after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he was confident that Congress could avoid a shutdown in the fall.

McConnell and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, RWis., have laid out a strategy to fund more than half of federal agencies by Sept. 30, punting some of the more contentiou­s fights — such as money for Trump’s longsought U.S.-Mexico border wall — to after the elections.

But the president’s conflictin­g signals call into question whether the GOP leaders’ plan will succeed.

On Capitol Hill, McConnell and other Senate Republican leaders told reporters Tuesday afternoon that they are sticking to their plan to approve nine of the dozen spending bills on Congress’ plate by the end of August, putting them on track to have 90 percent of the government funded by the end of the fiscal year.

McConnell steered clear of criticizin­g Trump, saying that while he supports what the president is trying to achieve on the border wall, the Senate is working to resolve the issue through regular order.

“We’re trying to go through a normal appropriat­ions process that prevents a big event at the end of the fiscal year, which has become all too common around here,” McConnell said.

He added: “Hopefully we don’t get to that position at the end of the fiscal year.”

Trump’s latest shutdown threat comes after a tweet earlier Tuesday in which he seized on news reports of a higher murder rate in Mexico than previously reported to bolster his demands for border wall funding and other immigratio­n measures. “One of the reasons we need Great Border Security is that Mexico’s murder rate in 2017 increased by 27% to 31,174 people killed, a record!” Trump said.


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