Baltimore Sun

Kavanaugh records won’t be in until Oct.

Senate panel told top court nominee’s files could be 900K pages

- By Seung Min Kim

WASHINGTON — The National Archives said Thursday it will not be able to produce the full cache of documents requested by the Senate on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh until the end of October, but Republican­s indicated they would press ahead with plans to hold confirmati­on hearings next month.

Gary Stern, the archives’ general counsel, told Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, RIowa, in a letter Thursday that the records he has requested could total more than 900,000 pages. Grassley, backed by other Senate Republican­s, asked for all documents from Kavanaugh’s tenure in the George W. Bush White House as an associate White House counsel.

“(P)lease note that we will not be able to complete our review of all of the records that you have requested by Aug. 15, 2018,” Stern wrote to Grassley. The archives would be able to review emails received from Kavanaugh — about 49,000 emails, or 300,000 pages — by roughly Aug. 20, and the rest of the pages would be reviewed by the end of October.

But a committee spokesman said Senate Republican­s are still on track for September hearings because senators will be able to obtain the documents more expeditiou­sly through a separate process directly involving the Bush Presidenti­al Library.

“The committee will receive documents in an even more rapid fashion from the Bush Library as the Archives continues its statutory document review,” spokesman Taylor Foy said in a statement. “As a result, I expect the committee will be able to undertake its thorough review process along the same timeline set in previous Supreme Court confirmati­ons.”

That review process has already been conducted on a parallel track by a group of lawyers led by Bush’s presidenti­al-records representa­tive, Bill Burck.

In a separate letter dated Thursday and obtained by The Washington Post, Burck says the legal team has already gone through 125,035 pages of Kavanaugh’s records and handed those documents over to the Senate Judiciary Committee for its review.

“As you know, President Bush is under no obligation to produce records of his administra­tion but has authorized this production to assist” the committee on its considerat­ion of Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Burck wrote to Grassley. Bush also has “no objection to making these presidenti­al records available to the public,” Burck wrote.

Earlier this week, Burck wrote to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, DN.Y., that Bush asked his legal team to begin reviewing Kavanaugh’s records to help “expedite the committee’s access to the records,” as a “courtesy” to senators.

More than 50 lawyers from three law firms are on the Burck-led team, according to an official familiar with the process. It will take the group about two more weeks to complete the review, the official said.

Nonetheles­s, the Archives’ timeline throws more political obstacles into the confir- GOP members of the Senate Judiciary Committee used a wall of empty boxes to dramatize the amount of documents under review for Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court. mation process for President Trump’s pick to replace Justice Anthony M. Kennedy. Republican­s had hoped to confirm Kavanaugh in time for the opening of the Supreme Court’s fall term on the first Monday in October.

After the Archives combs through all of the estimated 900,000 pages, more vetting would have to occur. And Democrats are already citing the Archives’ delayed timeline to cry foul on the process.

Politicall­y, a delay in document production could give red-state Democrats a reason to wait on saying how they would vote on the Trump nominee. Amongthose­in the spotlight are three facing tough re-elections in November — Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.; Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D.; and Joe Donnelly, D-Ind. All three voted to confirm Neil Gorsuch to the court.

Democrats have raised concerns about Bush’s legal team going through Kavanaugh’s documents, warning that the Senate may not receive all of the documents to which they’re entitled, because they are being reviewed by lawyers outside the Archives.

“Today, the National Archives confirmed our worst fear — that the vast majority of even the small portion of records the American public will see from Brett Ka- vanaugh’s time in the Bush White House will be prescreene­d by a political operative and attorney for George W. Bush, Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus, and Donald McGahn,” Schumer said in a statement Thursday.

Schumer added: “This unpreceden­ted process appears to be designed intentiona­lly by Republican­s to deny the Senate and the American people the informatio­n they need to evaluate this critically important nomination.”

In comparison, the Archives reviewed about 70,000 pages for John Roberts during his confirmati­on process for chief justice and about 170,000 pages for Elena Kagan.

 ?? ALEX WONG/GETTY ?? Ivanka Trump said Thursday that she is “vehemently against family separation.
ALEX WONG/GETTY Ivanka Trump said Thursday that she is “vehemently against family separation.

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