Baltimore Sun

Bookkeeper says Manafort OK’d ‘every penny’ of bills

- By Chad Day and Eric Tucker

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Paul Manafort inflated his business income by millions of dollars and kept his bookkeeper in the dark about the foreign bank accounts he was using to buy luxury items and pay personal expenses, according to testimony during his trial Thursday

But he otherwise approved “every penny” of the personal bills bookkeeper Heather Washkuhn paid for him, she said.

That testimony is important to special counsel Robert Mueller’s team as it looks to rebut defense arguments that Manafort can’t be responsibl­e for financial fraud because he left the details of his spending to others. That includes his longtime associate Rick Gates, who pleaded guilty earlier this year and may testify soon as a government witness.

“I would say he was very knowledgea­ble. He was very detail- oriented. He approved every penny of everything we paid,” Washkuhn told jurors.

She also described documents submitted by Manafort to obtain loans. Prosecutor­s say the documents inflated the net income of his business by roughly $4 million, and they say he tried to pass them off as coming from her accounting firm.

The fraudulent loan documents came after Manafort’s political consulting work in the Ukraine had dried up and as he had begun to financiall­y struggle, prosecutor­s say. Washkuhn told jurors about a series of emails she sent him in 2016 warning that he was behind on his payments, including to her.

Manafort faces charges of bank fraud and tax evasion that could put him in prison for the rest of his life. It’s the Bookkeeper Heather Washkuhn arrives at court Thursday to testify in the Paul Manafort trial in Alexandria, Va. first courtroom test of Mueller’s team, which is tasked with looking into Russia’s efforts to interfere with the U.S. election and whether the Trump campaign colluded with Moscow to sway voters.

While the question of collusion remains unanswered, Manafort’s financial fraud trial has exposed the lucrative and secretive world of foreign lobbying that made Manafort rich.

Other witnesses testifying this week said Manafort paid them millions from the offshore accounts tied to foreign shell companies for landscapin­g, expensive clothing and even a karaoke machine.

When prosecutor Greg Andres read off some of the offshore companies to Manafort’s bookkeeper, she said Manafort never told her about them. She said she would have documented them for tax purposes if he had.

On cross-examinatio­n, Manafort attorney Thomas Zehnle tried to get Washkuhn to say Gates was heavily involved in approv- ing expenses. The Manafort legal team has been working to convince the jury that Gates is to blame rather than their client. But Washkuhn said that while Gates dealt with some business matters for Manafort’s consulting firm, “mainly Mr. Manafort was the approval source.”

The federal judge overseeing the trial has questioned the hundreds of exhibits prosecutor­s want to submit as evidence of Manafort’s lavish spending.

U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III said the money is relevant, but he doesn’t see the need for prosecutor­s to “gild the lily,” especially considerin­g Manafort’s lawyers have not disputed that their client spent his money on luxury items.

Prosecutor­s told Ellis they expect to rest their case next week.

Manafort has a second trial scheduled for September in the District of Columbia. It would address allegation­s that he acted as an unregister­ed foreign agent for Ukrainian interests and made false statements to the U.S. government.


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