Baltimore Sun

Remains from N. Korea ‘consistent’ with Americans

- By Robert Burns

WASHINGTON — The remains handed over by North Korea last week in 55 boxes are “consistent with being Americans,” based on an initial examinatio­n, although none has been positively identified, a U.S. scientist who has seen the remains said Thursday.

Although President Donald Trump has publicly thanked North Korean leader Kim Jong Un for fulfilling the promise he made at their June 12 Singapore summit to return American war remains, U.S. officials had cautioned that little was known about the remains and they could not be quickly identified.

John E. Byrd, director of the Defense Department laboratory in Hawaii where the 55 cases arrived on Wednesday, cited several reasons for saying that at least some of the remains appear to be those of Americans missing from the Korean War.

Byrd was present when North Korean officials turned over the 55 boxes at Wonsan airport in North Korea last Friday, and he was among the U.S. government specialist­s who made a further preliminar­y examinatio­n of the contents after the boxes were flown to Osan air base in South Korea the same day.

A cursory examinatio­n at Wonsan confirmed that the remains were human, he said, and a closer look at Osan gave reason to believe they likely are Americans.

“What we saw were remains that were consistent with what we have found from the Korean War recoveries that we’ve done over the years, and we found remains that were consistent with being Americans,” Byrd said, speaking by video teleconfer­ence from Hawaii.

“We have remains that John Byrd, director of scientific analysis, Defense POW/ MIA agency, speaks before the repatriati­on ceremony. look to have been in a state of preservati­on consistent with coming from the Korean War era,” he said, and materials provided with the remains included U.S.-issued military equipment such as canteens and buttons. He said the remains are “good candidates to be missing Americans from the Korean War,” where thousands died on battlefiel­ds and in prisoner- of-war camps during the 1950-53 conflict and remain officially unaccounte­d for.

Byrd said he would not venture a guess at how many individual­s are represente­d by the bones contained in the 55 boxes.

The White House also said Thursday that Trump received a new letter from North Korean leader Kim and responded quickly with a letter of his own. The correspond­ence, following up on their Singapore summit, came amid fresh concerns over Pyongyang’s commitment to denucleari­zation.

Trump early Thursday tweeted his thanks to the North Korean leader “for your nice letter — I look forward to seeing you soon!”

The White House did not provide details on the specific content of the letter from Kim, received Wednesday, or of Trump’s reply. White House spokeswoma­n Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the letters addressed their commitment to work toward “complete denucleari­zation.”

When the North Koreans turned over the 55 boxes to Byrd and other U.S. officials at Wonsan on July 27 they said the cases contained remains of an undetermin­ed number of Americans, but the only identifica­tion item provided was a single military dog tag, Byrd said. Two members of that person’s family have been notified, Kelly McKeague, the director of the Defense POW/ MIA Accounting Agency, told reporters.

McKeague declined to reveal the name on the dog tag

Byrd said the North Koreans at Wonsan provided what he described as a “short bit, a little paragraph of informatio­n” with each of the 55 boxes. The most significan­t bit of informatio­n in each case was the name of the village where the remains were recovered, he said. One of the villages was Sin Hung-ri, which he said is on the east side of the Chosin Reservoir where U.S. Army soldiers fought a fierce battle in the fall of 1950 after Chinese forces entered the war.


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