Baltimore Sun

Sun ignores District 6 in female candidate lament

- Amie Hoeber, Potomac The writer is the Republican nominee for Congress in Maryland's 6th Congressio­nal District.

In an editorial this week, The Baltimore Sun lamented that “none of Maryland’s state-wide elected officials and no members of its congressio­nal delegation are women, and that appears unlikely to change this year.” The Sun’s editors then went on to list “some of the women in down-ballot races this year who have a real shot at taking seats previously held by men.” But The Sun neglected to mention my candidacy in Maryland's 6th Congressio­nal District which stretches from Montgomery west through Frederick, Washington, Allegany and Garrett counties (“Women candidates are badly underrepre­sented in races for Md.’s top offices. Downballot, it’s a different story,” Aug. 8).

Not only did I run strongly there against the incumbent Democrat, Rep. John Delaney, two years ago, but with Mr. Delaney not seeking reelection this year, it has become an even more competitiv­e open seat. My Democratic opponent, David Trone, barely won 40 percent of his party’s primary vote (and lost in his home county of Montgomery) despite spending almost $12 million on the contest, just $2 million less than he spent two years earlier in a failed attempt in the neighborin­g 8th Congressio­nal District. Surely, The Sun isn’t suggesting that a carpet-bagging Democrat, who was rejected by 60 percent of his party’s primary voters, has a better chance in the 6th District than a former deputy undersecre­tary of the U.S. Army and national security expert who was supporting women’s issues long before it became fashionabl­e to do so.

There is more going on in Maryland than The Sun’s editors have acknowledg­ed, and I’m proud to be part of it.

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