Baltimore Sun

At drag brunch, kings and queens

Biweekly event at Trinacria Cafe in Mount Vernon is one of several held around Baltimore

- By Christina Tkacik I am not afraid to throw my weight around See page 7

It takes about two and a half hours for Kenny Lear to become Sherry Blossom, from the pillow-padded rear end to the last fake eyelash.

“When you’re right in front of the mirror and you pop that first lash on, it’s like ‘Oh, she’s a woman,’ ” said the 22-year-old. “And it clicks. Everything clicks after the first lash.”

In day-to-day life, Lear said, he’s shy and soft spoken. But dressing in drag, a different persona emerges. As Sherry Blossom, he becomes she — loud and oozing with confidence.

On a recent Sunday afternoon, Sherry Blossom, a 10-pound prosthetic bust filling out the curves of her flowered sundress, flounces around Trinacria cafe in Mount Vernon, lip-syncing the words to Hairspray’s “Big Blonde and Beautiful” while people stuff dollar bills into her bodice. Venus Fastrada accepts a dollar from 4-month old Dash Davis and his mom, Kira TaylorDavi­s, of Abingdon. Anita Sauter, known as “Grandma,” is in the middle.


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