Baltimore Sun

Save pedestrian­s by ticketing jaywalkers

- George Hammerbach­er, Baltimore

I believe we would have many fewer pedestrian fatalities if the pedestrian­s would walk on sidewalks (“Council member seeks to slash Baltimore speed limits to save pedestrian­s,” Sept. 17). I see people who walk in the streets all the time with sidewalks available. I believe that it should be a $25 fine for pedestrian­s who jaywalk or just walk in the streets. The pedestrian­s also create these statistics as well.

I've been all over the country and I've never seen worse jaywalking than I've seen in Baltimore and Baltimore County. I live on a narrow two-way street with parking on both sides and sidewalks everywhere. People walking in the streets with their backs to the traffic caused several perilous situations I've personally witnessed. When I admonish them to be careful, they look at me with a glazed look of amazement and keep walking in the streets.

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