Baltimore Sun

Can a nominee be taken down by allegation­s?

- Peggy Smetana

If unproveabl­e allegation­s of sexual misconduct over 30 years ago can override overwhelmi­ng testimony of Brett Kavanaugh’s high moral character, what can happen to you and me? Are you willing to give up “Innocent until proven guilty” for yourself (“The Senate shamed itself in its handling of Anita Hill. Can it do better with Kavanaugh’s accuser?” Sept. 17)?

Sixty-five women who knew Mr. Kavanaugh in high school vouched for his character. Two women who had dated him in high school and college vouched for him.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, received the allegation against him in July and turned it over to the FBI which declined to pursue it. Why didn’t Senator Feinstein bring up this allegation during the normal course of the judicial hearings? Both the FBI and Senator Feinstein must not have believed the allegation.

Christine Blasey Ford passed a lie detector test. However, memory is tricky and very often faulty, especially among those who are most convinced of their good memory. The accuser scrubbed her social media pages and online profiles. This questions her character and what she wants to hide.

If allegation­s are unverifiab­le, we must rely on our common sense. Run the alleged sexual misconduct back in your head, but instead of Mr. Kavanaugh insert Barack Obama. Would you find him guilty?

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