Baltimore Sun

How we stop the killing

We know what needs to be done to reduce Baltimore’s worst-in-the-nation homicide rate, we just need the resolve and persistenc­e to achieve it


Our view:

Baltimore’s worst-ever per capita homicide rate, the 56 killed per 100,000 people recorded last year, made it the most violent city in America, according to new FBI statistics. Given how many people are trying every day to make this city a safer place, that’s dispiritin­g. But the situation in Baltimore is actually worse than that. Just six years before, Baltimore recorded its lowest number of homicides in a generation — 197. If we had achieved that level again last year, Baltimore would still have been the second-deadliest city in the country, behind Detroit but ahead of cities including Chicago, where the recent violence has shocked the nation.

Whether at a high point or low, the pace of killing here remains far outside the normin almost any other place in the country. There is no simple answer to this problem, but that isn’t to say we don’t know how to solve it. We do. Other cities have done it, and so can we — provided we understand that we face a generation­al challenge that will require a generation­al response. Theingredi­ents of it are already here; we just need to sustain them.

We have been critical at times of Mayor Catherine Pugh’s handling of Baltimore’s crime, as we were of her predecesso­rs. But she has articulate­d an important truth about the city’s violence, that it is rooted in the deep socio-economic problems in many Baltimore neighborho­ods, and she has used that understand­ing to guide her policies. Of course, mobile job vans, more streetligh­ts, daily meetings between agency heads and the Police Department, and intensive city services in high-crime neighborho­ods — from pothole repair to alley cleaning — aren’t a panacea. They can be expanded. They can be improved. But the philosophy behind them is one that we can’t abandon next year or in the next decade.

Within the next month or so, Baltimore will announce its next police commission­er. The task he or she faces is daunting, but the mission is clear: Create a new paradigm of effective, constituti­onal policing; eliminate corruption within the ranks; foster a culture of pride and confidence among officers; increase transparen­cy and public accountabi­lity; and develop an ongoing relationsh­ip of trust with all Baltimore communitie­s. This next commission­er will operate under the city’s consent decree with the U.S. Department of Justice and the monitoring that goes along with it, and he or she will need to be both an enthusiast­ic reformer and a skilled leader in the kinds of proactive policing that can help drive crime rates down. It can’t be either-or.

The state government can play an important role in helping reduce Baltimore’s violence, and we know how. Closer supervisio­n of high-risk parolees and probatione­rs, coordinate­d warrant sweeps, the strategic use of state police to free up city officers and Residents march in a Ceasefire parade in Park Heights in August. investment­s in anti-violence programs have worked before, and they will work again. Both Gov. Larry Hogan and his challenger, Ben Jealous, support those ideas. Whoever wins needs to be held accountabl­e for executing them consistent­ly and in close coordinati­on with city officials. Meanwhile, Maryland’s Justice Reinvestme­nt Act is already showing progress in reducing the state’s prison population. The next governor needs to use the savings to aggressive­ly invest in violence prevention and re-entry initiative­s — and to consider ideas to produce even bigger impacts that the legislatur­e shied away from two years ago.

The city school system needs to continue its work to raise academic standards and provide better pathways to college or a career, but it also needs to follow through on CEO Sonja Santelises’ ideas about responding to the trauma many city schoolchil­dren have experience­d and the challenges they face at home. Our schools need to be sanctuarie­s.

Businesses need to give ex-offenders meaningful chances for employment and advancemen­t. Banks need to seek out opportunit­ies to back inner-city entreprene­urs and redevelopm­ent projects. Suburbanit­es need to embrace and support the city that is the lifeblood of the region. The media need to provide accountabi­lity but also to tell stories of hope. And we all need to join in the spirit that has animated the Ceasefire movement by holding onto the belief that the deadly culture of violence and retaliatio­n can change.

Wecandobet­ter. Weknowthel­onganddiff­icult path it will take. Cynicism will not lead us down it; only faith and perseveran­ce will.


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