Baltimore Sun

Who says Christine Blasey Ford is ‘credible’?

- Robert Gellert, Glen Burnie

For the last two weeks the public has been inundated with reports about the alleged sexual assault on Christine Blasey Ford by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh when both were teens. Every mention of Ms. Ford’s accusation by Democratic politician­s and their media flaks is preceded by the word “credible” as if “credible” and “accusation” were one word instead of two.

The dictionary defines credible as “able to be believed, convincing.” What part of Ms. Ford’s claim is believable or convincing? Is it her inability to recall where the alleged assault happened? Or her inability to remember the day or month it occurred? She can’t even be sure of the year other than to recall she was 15. I understand progressiv­es are bad at math, but how does it work that she can’t figure out the year something allegedly happened yet remember how old she was when it allegedly happened? What about the witnesses? Everyone she mentions disputes her claim.

The testimony of numerous acquaintan­ces of Judge Kavanaugh, mostly women, attest to his honorable character, yet progressiv­e politician­s, Hollywood knownothin­gs and media talkers including reporters insist on characteri­zing Ms. Ford’s accusation as credible.

Is it any wonder that the left can believe that they are being tolerant and mindful of the First Amendment’s free speech guarantee when they shout down and threaten to riot when someone with whom they have an intellectu­al or political disagreeme­nt attempts to speak, yet at the same time can’t figure out what credible means?

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