Baltimore Sun

Sexual harassment on the job all too common

- Olivia Hubshman

I found the article regarding allegation­s of sexual harassment at the University of Maryland’s medical school to be very interestin­g (“Lawsuit claims University of Maryland medical school ignored sexual harassment complaints,” Nov. 13). Sadly, Carly Goldstein is not alone.

A study conducted in December of 2017 indicated that roughly 40 percent of women in the workplace suffer from sexism and discrimina­tory practices. This varies from pay-wage gaps to sexual misconduct. The study also found that women with a bachelor’s degree or other higher education experience discrimina­tion at a higher rate compared to women with less education. Gender-based discrimina­tion prevails in the workplace not only from the direct behavior but from the lack of intoleranc­e towards the sexism occurring.

I found it rather prepostero­us when Dr. Shabab Toursavadk­ohi told Ms. Goldstein she should “expect to be asked out because she is a pretty girl.” Ms. Goldstein being dismissed with additional sexist comments to rationaliz­e Dr. Crawford’s actions only makes this story more heartbreak­ing. She also mentions multiple times how she thought if she were to tell Dr. Crawford “no,” he would butcher her career. This highlights the lack of choice she felt in this situation.

While it seems easy to resist sexual harassment hypothetic­ally, putting yourself in Carly Goldstein’s shoes results in empathy and a more realistic understand­ing of her situation. Empathy, along with an institutio­n that has a “backbone for intoleranc­e,” as stated in the article, is what is needed to combat sexism and discrimina­tion in the work place.

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