Baltimore Sun

On redistrict­ing, Hogan is right, Frosh is wrong


Jack Kinstlinge­r writes that Gov. Larry Hogan is undercutti­ng Attorney General Brian Frosh's appeal of a recent court decision declaring Maryland's gerrymande­red 6th Congressio­nal District unconstitu­tional (“Hogan redistrict­ing commission undercuts appeal by Frosh,” Nov. 27). Governor Hogan has appointed a commission to redraw the district. Mr. Kinstlinge­r has it backwards. Mr. Frosh is undercutti­ng Mr. Hogan.

Governor Hogan has consistent­ly maintained since his election in 2014 that Maryland’s congressio­nal districts should be drawn up by a commission. The founding fathers wanted constituen­ts to pick their congressme­n, not the other way around. Mr. Frosh is doing the bidding of his old pals, Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller and former Gov. Martin O' Malley. The latter admitted under oath that he cooked up the current districts in order to squeeze one more seat for Democrats.

Mr. Kinstlinge­r argues that, gee whiz, Maryland is only doing what all those nasty Republican­s are doing elsewhere. They must not be very good at it since, the last I saw, Democrats picked up over 35 seats in the last election, thereby gaining control of the House. The rest of the country reflects the ebb and flow of public sentiment. Not so here in the People's Republic of Frosh. The Kinstlinge­r Party will continue to do a great job of fixing it to ensure they have all but one seat as long as they think they can get away with it.

Robert C. Erlandson, Luthervill­e

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